352-273-2598 ashleynmcleod@ufl.edu
  • Former master’s student Laura Conaway graduated in May after successfully defending her thesis, which was based on her work with the PIE Center exploring the use of Florida MarketMaker, an online tool that seeks to connect producers with consumers, businesses and retailers. Laura, who grew up on a cattle farm, is currently interning as the public relations and marketing intern at Certified Angus Beef LLC in Ohio.
  • The PIE Center ranks are growing! Alexa Lamm and husband Kevan welcomed daughter Charlotte Ann into the world on March 16. Nicole Dodds and husband Sean are expecting their first child in September.
  • The second installment in the PIE Center’s series of public opinion surveys received much attention. The immigration special report webpage saw about 1,000 page views in the week following its May 22 release. The Gainesville Sun also prominently featured the research in its May 30 front-page centerpiece.
  • Quisto Settle and Nicole Dodds attended the Southern Group of State Foresters annual meeting in Savannah this month, a year after the PIE Center presented the results of its content analysis and communications audit.
  • Laura Bernheim officially became a Florida Gator in May when she was accepted into UF’s master’s degree program in web design and online communication. By taking a part-time schedule, she is scheduled to earn her degree in mid-2015.
  • Recent research by the PIE Center and Gulf Citrus Growers Association showed that residents in southwest Florida strongly support agriculture but say their opinions would improve if farmers provided more information about what they do. Information from the report was picked up by the Fort Myers News-Press
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