352-273-2598 ashleynmcleod@ufl.edu

CourtneyOwensHometown: Henderson, N.C.

Favorite part of ag or natural resources: Production and harvesting

Expected degree/graduation date: Ph.D. in Extension Education, May 2016

Completed degrees: B.A., political science, May 2005, North Carolina Agricultural & Technical State University; M.S., agricultural education (professional service), December 2008, North Carolina Agricultural & Technical State University

Time with the PIE Center: Six months

PIE Center projects: I work with Dr. Lamm on the PULSE Fellows Project & Red Clay Garden Project and conduct focus groups, take notes, transcribe and report data, as well as identify themes for future research. I also work with Dr. Rumble on the High School Students’ Perceptions of the School Lunch Program to complete data analysis, write reports and identify themes for future research.

Goals after graduation: My future career aspirations consist of working within the Cooperative Extension Service to build my own flagship extension program centered on sustainable agriculture practices.

Hidden talent(s): Singing. I’ve performed in the past with my church, and I recently joined the UF Glee Club. We practice Mondays and Wednesdays every week, and so far I really like it. When I have the time, of course.

Favorite food: Sushi and pizza

Best superpower: I want to be a mind reader and understand the way people come up with complex thoughts. I want to know how individuals piece things together to form an opinion about something.

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