352-273-2598 ashleynmcleod@ufl.edu
  • Erica Odera was recently promoted from research assistant to research analyst. She plays a role in most of the PIE Center’s research projects.
  • The PIE Center has hired two media interns. Chang Liu, a master’s student in telecommunications, is designing the UF Critical Thinking Inventory Website. Jayne Johnson, a senior public relations student, will join the PIE Center in January to help with writing and designing communication materials.
  • The graduate student assistant ranks are growing. Welcome to Jessica Holt, Pei-wen Huang, Taylor Ruth and Mary Rodriguez. The PIE Center now supports 11 graduate students.
  • Research papers based on the PIE Center’s public opinions research on water quality and quantity will have a strong presence at the UF Water Symposium in February. Graduate students Courtney Owens, Caroline Roper and Arthur Leal were accepted to present the research.
  • Arthur Leal will also present a paper about the water public opinion survey at the Southern Association of Agricultural Scientists conference, along with Joy Rumble’s dissertation about transparent communications in agriculture.
  • Keegan Gay will present the PIE Center’s local food research at the Southern Rural Sociology conference along with Courtney Owens, Erica Odera and Alexa Lamm, who will present about issues impacting food security in underserved populations.
  • Several more research projects have also been accepted for presentation at the Association for International Agriculture and Extension Education in May. Alexa Lamm, Pei-wen Huang and Janine Parker will present about various aspects of the PIE Center’s public opinion surveys on immigration reform and water quality and quantity, while Erica Odera will discuss students’ perspectives on how to feed the world in 2050. Shuyang Qu’s will present her master’s thesis research on Bt Cotton adoption in China.
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