352-273-2598 ashleynmcleod@ufl.edu

As the PIE Center prepares to release the findings of its second public opinion survey about immigration reform later this month, results from last year’s survey won several awards at an international conference.

Associate Director Alexa Lamm and several graduate students presented research posters and abstracts at the 30th annual Association for International Agricultural and Extension Education conference in Miami last week.

Lamm and S. Janine Parker won the first-place student abstract presentation for “Exposure and Perceptions: Undocumented Immigrants in Agriculture,” while Lamm won second-place for her faculty abstract presentation, “Looking the Wrong Way? Exploring Relationships between Color-Blindness and Opinions of Undocumented Immigrants.”

Shuyang Qu, Lamm and Research Analyst Erica Odera received a third-place award for their poster, “Communicating about Immigration Issues: Understanding Public Perceptions of e-Verify.”

The international conference proved to be the perfect place to present research on immigration, according to Lamm.

“Immigration is a global issue,” she said. “After each presentation, the attendees had a great discussion and shared stories from the immigration concerns countries have across the world. It was a great experience for both the students and myself.”

The PIE Center will publish the results from its newest public opinion survey on May 19, with an Easy as PIE webinar scheduled for May 21. Lamm will be joined by Craig Regelbrugge, senior vice president of AmericanHort.

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