352-273-2598 ashleynmcleod@ufl.edu
  • Sandra Anderson will join the PIE Center on July 7 as a research coordinator after serving as the marketing research director for Perceptive Market Research in Gainesville for the last 20 years. In hr role as marketing research director, she evaluated research proposals, managed bidding, developed cost analyses, developed questionnaires, conducted focus groups and analyzed qualitative and quantitative data. She has a master’s degree in Natural Resource and Environmental Economics and a bachelor’s degree in Agricultural Business Management, both from the University of Florida.
  • A search committee of faculty in the PIE Center and Department of Family, Youth and Community Sciences named three finalists for the PIE Center’s third tenure-track faculty line. The candidates will come to campus for interviews in mid-July.
  • Quisto Settle, post-doctoral associate, will become assistant professor in agricultural information sciences and education at Mississippi State University beginning in the fall.
  • Seven faculty, staff and graduate students attended the Association for Communication Excellence national conference in Portland, Oregon. Director Ricky Telg won an Award of Excellence for Leadership & Management. Researchers Joy Rumble, Alexa Lamm and Laura Gorham combined to win Research Paper of the Year honors, while Rumble won the Journal of Applied Communications Article of the Year award. Media specialist Laura Bernheim won a Gold Award and perfect score for her infographic illustrating results from the public opinion survey of endangered species. Outreach and training coordinator Nicole Dodds won a Bronze Award for the Easy as PIE webinar series.
  • The PIE Center published the second installment of the public opinions of undocumented immigration survey in May. Presentations from last year’s survey won several awards at the Association for International Agricultural and Extension Education conference in Miami. Click here to read more.
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