352-273-2598 ashleynmcleod@ufl.edu

The PIE Center webinar series continues to make learning about important agricultural and natural resources issues as Easy as PIE.

The PIE Center’s monthly webinar series provides a chance to learn about addressing critical agricultural and natural resources issues in an interactive online environment. Webinars provide a convenient and free professional development option for people who want to learn about new research, strategies and tools without taking time off work and paying travel expenses.

Through April, more than 270 people joined live Easy as PIE webinars in 2013-14. Since the series began in January 2013, Easy as PIE has reached 28 states and 450 people.

“The Easy as PIE webinars are an excellent opportunity for me to continue learning about new topics, challenges and solutions. But their real value lies in being able to share the presentations with my agricultural communications students. Hearing from experts around the country and discussing specific cases with real-world implications is invaluable to students.” — Karen Cannon, University of Nebraska

February’s webinar on the most recent water public opinion survey results attracted 55 live viewers, an all-time high for the series. July’s webinar about media relations gained 42 viewers, followed by the December webinar discussing the food production public opinion survey with 40 viewers.

Additionally, an internal PIE Center assessment found the webinars saved attendees more than $42,000 in gas receipts and commuting time had they traveled to attend the professional development opportunities in person. The savings do not take into account those who view the recorded sessions, which are available online. Online visitors watched recorded webinars 443 times in 2013-14, adding up to more than 1,500 webinar views since the series began.

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