352-273-2598 ashleynmcleod@ufl.edu

2014 Extension Professionals Association of Florida annual meeting

Evaluating information sources  GMO labeling arguments  Conversation starters  Case studies Presentation slides

Presenters delivered this three-hour workshop as one of the concurrent in-service trainings at the 2014 Extension Professionals Association of Florida annual meeting.  Faculty and staff aimed to equip Extension professionals with tools and information to discuss contentious, critical public issues with clientele in their communities. The workshop focused on GMO labeling policy as the context for learning and practicing new knowledge and skills, such as communication strategies, methods of evaluating information sources, public opinion survey results on GMOs, arguments for and against GMO labeling policy, as well as proposed federal and state GMO labeling legislation. Case studies and role-play simulations allowed participants to process and practice concepts presented.



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