352-273-2598 ashleynmcleod@ufl.edu

Michael DukesAlexa LammHow many Floridians experience water restrictions for yard use and in what seasons? Who do they think creates and enforces water restrictions? What do Floridians think about whether recycled wastewater is available for yard irrigation and landscapes? How do Floridians use water in their home landscapes? Under what conditions will Floridians adjust their use of fertilizers and pesticides in the home landscape? Do Floridians participate in Extension programs relevant to water?

Join this session to learn the answers to these questions and more about the public perceptions, attitudes and knowledge of landscape water use as Alexa Lamm, assistant professor in agricultural education and communication, discusses the latest public opinion survey results. Michael Dukes, professor in agricultural and biological engineering, will provide insights based on his experience in water management and irrigation and pose a few questions to generate discussion on how the results of this survey may be put to use.

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