352-273-2598 ashleynmcleod@ufl.edu

We are in a period of rapid globalization and change, with increasing and ever-changing demands placed on agricultural and environmental systems worldwide.  AAndenoro_T-150ccounting for agricultural production, energy consumption, environmental impact, and several other variables will be key if we aspire to sustain the health and well-being more than 9.6 billion people by 2050.  To address these problems, we will need leaders and complex adaptive problem solvers who can think broadly and boldly.  However, our current education and professional training systems are focused on specific disciplines, and linear thinking.  We lack the systems thinking and leadership necessary for addressing the global challenges and complex problems we face. This is the charge of the Challenge 2050 Project — Develop human capacity to meet the needs associated with a population projected to exceed 9.6 billion by the year 2050. Join this session to find out how through an integrated process which differentiates the University of Florida and IFAS from other preeminent institutions, interdisciplinary students, faculty, industry partners, and policy-makers come together to meet the needs of our dynamic societies globally.

Speaker:  Anthony Andenoro, Assistant Professor, Leadership Education, Department of Agricultural Education and Communication, University of Florida

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