352-273-2598 ashleynmcleod@ufl.edu

Joy Rumble

Consumers have become more interested in reconnecting with their food and the farmers that produce it. This has sparked growth of the local food movement into a multi-billion dollar industry in Florida. Producers who can effectively communicate with consumers about their farm, products, and practices have an advantage when marketing and selling to those consumers. Join Dr. Joy Rumble in the April session of the Easy as PIE webinar series as she presents new curriculum on promoting local food. In March of 2016, the UF/IFAS Center for Public Issues Education (PIE Center) launched the new curriculum titled Promoting Specialty Crops as Local. The curriculum is designed to be a resource for state agents and other groups that work with farmers who produce specialty crops for local distribution. During this webinar, Dr. Joy Rumble will explain how the local food industry has turned more lucrative and why the PIE Center decided to create the curriculum. Dr. Rumble will also give an overview of the curriculum, expound on what is included, present pieces from each of the six modules, and provide recommendations for using the curriculum with a producer audience.

Dr. Joy Rumble, UF/IFAS PIE Center, Assistant Professor

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