352-273-2598 ashleynmcleod@ufl.edu

July 11, 2018: Florida residents’ fertilizer practices and perceptions: An overview for outreach and extension professionals

July 9, 2018: Prevent and Protect: Mosquito Control Messages for your Community

June 21, 2018: Prevent and Protect: Mosquito Control Messages for your Community

June 20, 2018: How interdisciplinary agricultural centers are communicating about science and research to the public

April 30, 2018: Community Weatherization Coalition: Community Based Social Marketing

April 25, 2018: What people think about livestock care and use practices: Analyzing the attitudes and awareness of Floridians and the U.S. population

March 5, 2018: Assessing the Needs and Impacts of Florida’s County Extension Professionals Following the 2017 Atlantic Hurricane Season: A General Overview of Survey Results

January 18, 2018: Floridians’ desire to experience farms: A statewide strategic plan for agritourism in Florida

November 30, 2017: The need to revitalize the brand of an organization in agriculture and natural resources and how to do it

October 26, 2017: Effective and practical use of social media: How to be an advocate, use analytics, and more

September 6, 2017: Perceptions of Home Irrigation Users on Water Quality and Quantity

July 20, 2017: Overview of the Southeastern Coastal Center for Agricultural Health and Safety

June 22, 2017: Community Resilience: A study of Gulf Coast communities after the Deepwater Horizon oil spill

May 11, 2017: Land Use Change Projections in Florida and its Impact on Water Resources: An Overview of the Florida 2070 and Water 2070 Projects

April 20, 2017: The Green Leap: A Holistic Approach to Designing and Managing Urban Developments for Biodiversity

March 23, 2017: The Florida peach industry: Consumer research and marketing plan in collaboration with the Fresh From Florida campaign

March 13, 2017: Why we need to ‘Be Calm’ around animals: the importance of reminding our staff to think and to slow down

March 10, 2017: When machines meet the road: farm equipment crashes on public highways

February 28, 2017: Clean WateR3- Sensor-controlled irrigation and pathogen management

February 21, 2017: Clean WateR3- Enhance irrigation practices through audits and monitoring

February 14, 2017: Clean WateR3- Reasons we do or do not use water treatments and technologies

February 7, 2017: Clean WateR3- How do leading growers solve water quality issues?

January 31, 2017: Clean WateR3- Manage diseases caused by Phytophthora and Pythium in nurseries

January 25, 2017: Consumer trust in science and its impact on decision-making related to agriculture and natural resources

January 24, 2017: Clean WateR3- Research you can use on water conservation, recycling and treatment

November 30, 2016: Floridians’ perception on invasive species and how Extension educators can help combat this issue

October 27, 2016: Social Media for Science Communication: Enhancing your audience engagement and using social media analytics

October 4, 2016: Strategic Marketing Plan for the Florida Blueberry Industry

September 22, 2016: GMO Food Labeling Bill: Interpreting the new National Bioengineered Food Disclosure Standard

August 24, 2016: Emerging Pathogens: Zika, Chikungunya, and other things that go bump in the night

July 28, 2016: Public Perception of Personal and Community Resiliency Before and After Natural or Man-made Disasters

June 9, 2016: Agritourism in Florida: Examining the industry from a policy and producer point of view

April 21, 2016: Promoting Specialty Crops as Local: New curriculum on how producers can better promote, market, and sell their products locally

March 31, 2016: Engaging in the Topic of Food Waste and Identifying Mitigation Strategies

February 25, 2016: Perceptions of Florida Agricultural Water Use

January 21, 2016: The Florida Wildlife Corridor Project

October 21, 2015: Storytelling with Self Narrate

September 23, 2015: The Healthy Gulf, Healthy Community Project

August 19, 2015: The UF/IFAS Challenge 2050 Project

July 21, 2015: Public Opinion of Endangered and Invasive Species and the Florida Invasive Species Partnership

June 24, 2015: The UF Critical Thinking Inventory: Measuring critical thinking styles

May 20, 2015: Promoting Local Food in Different Media Channels

April 16, 2015: DWH Oil Spill: Five years later—Community Resilience and Preparedness

March 19, 2015: Public opinion of water use and implications for agriculture

February 25, 2015: Public opinion of landscape water use

February 4, 2015: Hot topic webinar- The Cuban Factor: Agricultural trade with Cuba

January 28, 2015: Public opinion of genetically modified foods

December 17, 2014: Public opinion of food safety

December 10, 2014: Hot topic webinar- Immigration action: Implications for agriculture’s workforce

October 21, 2014: Community-based social marketing

September 17, 2014: Grant writing as a collaborative process

August 20, 2014: Public Opinion of Endangered and Invasive Species

July 17, 2014: Demystifying animal agriculture- building consumer trust

June 18, 2014: Transparency in Agriculture

May 21, 2014: Immigration: Public perceptions and knowledge gaps

April 9, 2014: Facilitation strategies

March 12, 2014: Resolving community issues: A collaborative approach to wicked issues

March 5, 2014: Hot Topic- Farm Bill 2014- What will it mean for Florida?

February 25, 2014: Fact or Fiction? Public perceptions and realities of Florida’s water supply and quantity

January 22, 2014: The influence of public opinion on legislation

December 4, 2013: What happens when people don’t believe the facts about GMOs?

October 16, 2013: Lessons learned in crisis communication

September 18, 2013: Floridians’ opinions of endangered species

August 21, 2013: Creating a brand that is consistent, engaging and effective

July 17, 2013: Communicating with the news media

June 19, 2013: Building community capacity

May 28, 2013: Public opinions of immigration reform

April 17, 2013: Strategic planning & thinking: What is it good for?

March 20, 2013: Buying local food: beliefs and impacts

February 20, 2013: Public opinion of water issues

January 17, 2013: The power of effective messaging

December 12, 2012: Communications planning

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