352-273-2598 ashleynmcleod@ufl.edu

Through relevant research and engaging outreach, faculty and staff at the PIE Center make continual efforts to inform stakeholders, constituents and decision makers on the issues that impact the agricultural and natural resources sectors. The PIE Center set out to make this impact go even further this year by working diligently to influence undergraduate and graduate students through advising research projects and mentoring students’ development of communication skills.  The PIE Center made significant impacts in the areas of research, outreach and media this year and we are excited to present those successes to you. 

$22.3 million awarded to research partnerships

$1.6 million awarded to PIE Center research

59 focus groups, surveys and interviews

35 journal articles

17 students supported and part-time jobs created

17, 943 research participants

11 electronic data information source documents

24 client or agency partnerships

1,014 views of recorded webinars

2,346 total email subscribers

2,238 Facebook fans

1,140 Twitter followers

434 entries to the photo contest

42,161 page views at PIECenter.com

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