352-273-2598 ashleynmcleod@ufl.edu

Home landscaping practices, such as fertilization and irrigation, can positively or negatively influence both water quality and quantity. Residents need to perceive that their landscape practices do influence both water quality and quantity in order to choose good techniques. This webinar will provide an overview of the research on home irrigation users and describe their perceptions about both water quality and quantity. The webinar will also discuss the effect of short videos on water quality and conservation behaviors. The speakers will highlight some of the differences and similarities identified and discuss the influence of video message design. They will also discuss practical implications and opportunities for researchers and Extension to promote good landscaping practices that will protect both water quality and quantity.​​



Alexa Lamm


Dr. Alexa Lamm

Associate Professor of Agricultural Education and Communication
Associate Director of Center for Public Issues Education in Agriculture and Natural Resources
University of Florida



Dr. Laura Warner

Assistant Professor of Agricultural Education and Communication
University of Florida



Dr. Joy Rumble

Assistant Professor of Agricultural Education and Communication
University of Florida



Matthew Orwat

UF/IFAS Horticulture Extension Agent for Washington County




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