352-273-2598 ashleynmcleod@ufl.edu
The UF/IFAS Center for Public Issues Education in Agriculture and Natural Resources conducts research and educates people on how people form and act on opinions regarding complex agricultural and natural resources issues. The PIE Center encourages informed decision-making in three important areas, including exploring emerging issues impacting food and agriculture, advancing the responsible
use of water and conservation of natural resources, and helping communities and organizations understand and adapt to changing agricultural and natural resources issues.The PIE Center conducts research on consumers trust science and how it impacts decision-making related to agriculture and natural resources.

The UF/IFAS Center for Public Issues Education in Agriculture and Natural Resources (PIE Center) recently surveyed Floridians about the care and use of livestock and found that majority of Floridians are unsure of livestock practices, however it is important for Floridians to be educated on these practices so that they can make more informed decisions.

When Floridians were asked who they learned from about livestock practices, 28 percent said they learned from their friends.

Floridians generally favor or somewhat favor most livestock practices, such as feeding livestock a nutritionally balanced diet, using livestock for edible byproducts, and vaccinating livestock against disease. Sixty-five percent of Floridians are concerned about the care and handling of livestock for human consumption in the United States.

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