352-273-2598 ashleynmcleod@ufl.edu

October 9, 2019: Chronic low back pain in seafood workers: a pilot intervention study to identify modifiable work and movement solutions

September 10, 2019: Heat-related Illness (HRI) in Agriculture: A two-part webinar providing research findings on a mobile app to monitor HRI and a compilation of educational research-based resources to help prevent HRI

August 29, 2019: Delivering agricultural health and safety research to stakeholders: Best practices and theoretical foundations

July 16, 2019: Heat-related Illness Prevention: Research and lessons learned from athletics

June 4, 2019: Understanding the scope of the opioid epidemic for agricultural industries

May 14, 2019: Preparing for the 2019 hurricane season: Applying lessons from hurricanes Irma and Michael

April 17, 2019: Using Social Marketing to Prevent Heat-related Illness and Improve Productivity Among Farmworkers

March 12, 2019: Acute Psychological and Health Impacts of Hurricane Irma in UF/IFAS Extension Workers

February 12, 2019: Heat Stress and Biomarkers of Renal Disease

January 22, 2019: Pesticide & Heat Stress Education for Latino Farmworkers that is Culturally Appropriate

November 6, 2018: The need for a safety focus in agriculture

October 24, 2018: Occupational Health and Safety Surveillance of Gulf Seafood Workers

September 18, 2018: Assessing Agricultural Liability

July 20, 2017: Overview of the Southeastern Coastal Center for Agricultural Health and Safety


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