352-273-2598 ashleynmcleod@ufl.edu

As Florida braces for the impact of Hurricane Dorian, UF/IFAS Extension is working to share vital information with the community while also developing response plans. From creating and sharing helpful resources to preparing communities, Extension personnel are committed to ensuring all citizens of Florida are prepared for the storm.

As part of the established continuance of operations plan (COOP), University of Florida/Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences has initiated daily 8 a.m. calls with the administrative team to organize response efforts.

“We are in the early planning stages, so we will hope for the best and prepare for the worst,” said Saqib Mukhtar, associate dean and agricultural program leader for UF/IFAS Extension. “UF/IFAS Extension Dean Nick Place will lead daily administrative team planning meetings. Our district and county Extension directors are also in the process of ensuring that there will be access to facilities and equipment for our people to effectively assist their communities in the impacted areas.”

Angie Lindsey is working to keep Extension agents and community leaders informed ahead of Hurricane Dorian.

Angie Lindsey, Extension Disaster Education Network (EDEN) point of contact for Florida, is coordinating UF/IFAS’s communication for preparation and response. Additionally, Lindsey works closely with the State Agricultural Response Team (SART) to anticipate needs and formulate post-storm plans.

Throughout Hurricane Dorian, she will coordinate each morning’s UF/IFAS leadership meeting agenda and communicate the needs of SART and UF/IFAS to each other.

Lindsey will also serve as part of the state’s Emergency Support Function (ESF) 17, as necessary. ESF 17 focuses on providing emergency services related to animal protection.

“Effective communication and sharing of resources are important as we prepare for potential disasters, such as Hurricane Dorian,” Lindsey said. “EDEN and the UF/IFAS Center for Public Issues Education (PIE Center) also work to equip Extension and their communities with the resources necessary to be resilient in times of disaster.”

In collaboration with the PIE Center, EDEN has created graphics and infosheets for county Extension directors to share with their communities. Information resources including the infosheets, videos and social media graphics can be accessed at www.piecenter.com/training/eden.

Since learning of Hurricane Dorian, county Extension directors across Florida have worked diligently to prepare their communities. Volusia County Interim Extension Director Sharon Gamble said the county’s Extension faculty and staff members have been going over their roles within the county’s response plan and communicating with surrounding counties to coordinate a post-storm response.

“We are working closely with the Emergency Operations Center (EOC) and redirecting our readership to the EOC through our social media in order to present a unified response,” Gamble said.

Although Hurricane Dorian’s projected path to Florida is not certain, UF/IFAS Extension is actively working on preparing Floridians for any outcome.

“Right now, we are unsure of the exact landfall location and strength of Dorian, but living in Florida, we are always aware of the fragile situation an incoming hurricane can cause,” Mukhtar said. “Our county faculty, state specialists and staff stand ready and committed to assist our citizens, families, communities and agricultural- and natural resources-based industries.”

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