352-273-2598 ashleynmcleod@ufl.edu

Agriculture: General Agriculture

Florida Farm Bureau marketing survey & strategic planning

About the Project

Funded by: Florida Farm Bureau
As the Florida Farm Bureau Federation developed a new communications campaign titled “Strong Family Farms: Strengthening Communities. Creating Jobs. Growing the Economy,” the FFBF staff sought to understand and obtain the perceptions of FFBF’s advisory committee members regarding the campaign. The goals of the new campaign, as identified by FFBF staff, included strengthening community partnerships to foster economic development, working with state and local organizations to create a climate for economic growth, and increasing awareness of agriculture’s role in Florida’s economy. FFBF and the PIE Center decided to use a two-part strategy to collect information. First, a web-based survey collected information in reference to members’ perceptions of a strong community, factors that affect economic development as well as barriers to economic development. The results were collected and analyzed to set the foundation for a 90-minute planning session during FFBF’s Winter Advisory Committee Council.

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