352-273-2598 ashleynmcleod@ufl.edu

Agriculture: General Agriculture

Framing agricultural messages to reach the public

About the Project

Faculty: Joy Rumble
Funded by: Agriculture Institute of Florida
Following recommendations from two previous research projects with the Agriculture Institute of Florida, the PIE Center tested strategically framed messages about agricultural issues in an effort to determine what works and what doesn’t in agricultural messaging. In 2010, the PIE Center conducted focus groups to measure consumers’ perceptions of various words and phrases commonly used in agriculture. As a follow up, seeking to understand what information was currently communicated within agricultural awareness campaigns and if these campaigns were successful, the PIE Center conducted a content analysis in 2011. Based on those two examinations, AIF and the PIE Center embarked on a third project and tested a variety of message frames and appeals with focus groups later that year. Frames present messages in gain or loss terms to encourage and influence the audience to adopt similar frames of reference, whereas appeals portray messages and products as meaningful, believable and desirable.

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