352-273-2598 ashleynmcleod@ufl.edu

Water: Agricultural Irrigation

Increasing nursery growers’ use of water conservation technologies

About the Project

Faculty: Alexa Lamm
Staff: Emmett Martin
Funded by: Specialty Crop Research Initiative, USDA
Access to high-quality water for irrigation is increasingly limited, and growers need to develop alternative sources of water. However, producers tend to be reluctant to adopt recycled or reclaimed water because of concerns about pathogens, bacteria and cost. The project team will create an online community to help producers understand and implement alternative water sources as part of this five-year, $8.9 million project. PIE Center researchers will identify current practices growers are engaged in and recognize the barriers to implementation of innovative technologies. The results will then be used to guide extension material development to assist in the adoption of new practices.

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