352-273-2598 ashleynmcleod@ufl.edu

Natural Resources: Forestry

Southern Group of State Foresters content analysis & evaluation

About the Project

Faculty: Joy Rumble
Funded by: Southern Group of State Foresters
The Virginia Department of Forestry awarded the PIE Center a bid to conduct research for the Southern Group of State Foresters, which represents 13 southern states, Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands. The scope of the project included a content analysis of 15 Forest Action Plans, a communications evaluation and cross analysis of the Forest Action Plans, communications evaluation and the Southern Forest Futures Project. The content analysis and cross analysis analyzed the Forest Action Plans and Southern Forest Futures Project to see how well each fulfilled the requirements of the 2008 Farm Bill, which required a statewide assessment of forest resources, trends, conditions and threats, as well as a long-term statewide strategy for addressing threats and identifying necessary resources.

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