352-273-2598 ashleynmcleod@ufl.edu

In 2019-2020, the PIE Center made significant contributions in the areas of research, outreach and education, including over $2 million in research partnerships, over 18,000 web views, and nearly 800 live webinar atendees. Below is a summary of contributions as the PIE Center reviews 2019-2020 by the numbers. 


$2.29 million in total value of research partnerships

$246,460 awarded to PIE Center research

15 focus groups

5 interviews

7 surveys

10 partnerships

22 articles

8 reports and Electronic Data Information Source (EDIS) documents


2,057 email subscribers

18,026 PIE Center web views

5,195 Prevent & Protect web views

2,669 Facebook followers

1,546 Twitter followers

533 Instagram followers


14 webinars

792 live webinar views

13,250 video views

7 part-time student jobs created

20 videos produced

573 hours of watch time

19 workshops and guest lectures

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