352-273-2598 ashleynmcleod@ufl.edu

Agriculture: Crops

Stakeholder engagement and on-farm research for industrial hemp commercialization in South Florida (SEEDIT)

About the Project

Principle Investigator: Zack Brym, Department of Agronomy at the Tropical Research and Education Center (TREC)
Staff: Sandra Anderson, Shelli Rampold
Funded by: UF/IFAS Research

The Florida State Hemp Program is expected to permit hemp cultivation in 2020. However, Florida hemp farmers will be severely constrained by currently available genetics and management practices. In need of a support network, the industry is highly motivated to engage with the UF hemp program. University-industry partnerships can stimulate a positive impact for hemp research, Extension, and commercialization. Information from research about the public perception for hemp and about production scale cultivation practices could greatly improve enterprise development for the hemp industry. Extension opportunities could help engage with industry stakeholders and distribute research-based information. Specifically, this project will establish a prospective hemp grower network and expand public engagement, initiate on-farm research for hemp variety and land preparation trials, and integrate the networking and research activities for Extension program development. Project outcomes include a public survey for hemp-related knowledge and perception, a focus group survey relating farmer enthusiasm to access to available cultivation information, an on-farm trial assessing hemp genetics to environmental variability and land preparation, and an Extension program with increasing engagement across stakeholder groups. This project represents a transformative development for the UF hemp program to facilitate industry partnerships.

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