352-273-2598 ashleynmcleod@ufl.edu

(L to R) Lauri Baker, Ashley McLeod-Morin, Sydney Honeycutt, Angie Lindsey, Anissa Zagonel, Sandra Anderson and Cheng-Xian Yang at the National Agricultural Communications Symposium.

OKALHOMA CITY – With posters and papers in tow, the UF/IFAS Center for Public Issues Education (PIE Center) traveled to Oklahoma City, Oklahoma to present research findings at a national conference.

The National Agricultural Communications Symposium (NACS), held February 5-6, 2023, is an annual gathering of university instructors, students and agricultural communicators. NACS provides a platform to share research and learn about advancements in the field of agricultural communication.

The PIE Center was represented by a group of faculty, staff and graduate students who presented three posters and three papers at the conference.

During the poster session, conference attendees learned about the PIE Center’s research related to media coverage of immigration, perceptions of video communication and outreach during the COVID-19 pandemic.

The PIE Center’s paper presentations covered topics such as strategic planning, science communication and food purchasing behaviors. PIE Center researchers were honored to receive the award for 3rd Runner-up Outstanding Paper.

See a complete list of the PIE Center’s paper and poster presentations below.

Paper Presentations

Growing Pains: Assessing the Strategic Organizational Communication Approaches of an Expanding Extension Organization


Authors: Anissa M. Zagonel, Ashley McLeod-Morin, Angela B. Lindsey & Lauri M. Baker

Significance of Science: Introducing a Scale to Measure Perceptions of Science Communication During a Crisis

Authors: Ashley McLeod-Morin, Lauri M. Baker, Lisa K. Lundy, Ricky Telg & Angela B. Lindsey

Innovation in Isolation: An Exploratory Study on the Diffusion of Local Food Purchasing and Innovative Shopping Methods During COVID-19

Authors: Cheng-Xian Yang, Lauri M. Baker, Anissa Zagonel & Hikaru H. Peterson

Research Posters

Media Mindset: Exploring how Media Coverage of Immigration Affects Attitudes Toward Immigrants in the United States

Authors: Sydney Honeycutt, Ashley McLeod-Morin, Angela B. Lindsey, Lauri M. Baker, Ricky Telg & Dale Pracht

Capturing Credible Communication: Using Focus Groups with Perception Analyzer Dials to Understand the Credibility of Different Video Types

Authors: Arati Joshi, Aly Morrison, Lauri M. Baker, Ashley McLeod-Morin, Phillip Stokes, Sydney Honeycutt, Sandra Anderson, Angie Lindsey, Cheng-Xian Yang, Anissa Zagonel, & Ricky W. Telg

Communicating During a Crisis: A Case Study Evaluating Research-Based Outreach During the COVID-19 Pandemic

Authors: Ashley McLeod-Morin, Anissa Zagonel, Sandra Anderson, Sydney Honeycutt, Phillip Stokes, Lauri M. Baker, Angela Lindsey, & Ricky Telg

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