352-273-2598 ashleynmcleod@ufl.edu

Lauri Baker, Ashley McLeod-Morin, and Sandra Anderson conducting listening sessions at UMaine Extension in Orono, Maine.

By Caitlynne Youmans 

The PIE Center recently concluded a year-long research project in collaboration with the University of Maine Extension (UMaine), demonstrating the PIE Center’s commitment to enhancing agricultural and Extension programs nationwide. 

The primary objective of the project was to assess UMaine Extension programming from the viewpoint of its stakeholders, employees and volunteers, providing critical insights for the organization’s future direction. Lauri Baker, UF/IFAS associate professor of agricultural communication, led the social science research, which took place in person at UMaine and virtually via Zoom.

Jason Bolton, associate dean and program leader for food and nutrition at UMaine Cooperative Extension, expressed his gratitude for the partnership. 

“We are grateful for the expertise Dr. Baker and the PIE researchers brought to UMaine Extension, as they provided invaluable guidance and leadership with our statewide needs assessment,” Bolton said. “The incredible research they conducted is essential for UMaine Extension to create a sustainable and impactful organization of the future.” 

This joint project between two East Coast states explored the potential for research to enhance Extension services across the nation. The PIE Center aimed to produce findings that UMaine Extension could utilize to strengthen programming for farmers, communities and the agricultural industry. 

For more information about this collaboration, visit https://extension.umaine.edu/plugged-in/needs-assessment/ 


This story is featured in the Spring 2024 edition of the PIE Center’s newsletter, The Slice.

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