Archived Webinars
Southeastern Coastal Center for Agricultural Health and Safety
June 16, 2021: Protecting Agricultural Communities During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Respiratory Fit Testing and Personal Protective Equipment
May 19, 2021: Communicating Vaccine Adoption Based on U.S. Perceptions of COVID-19
April 14, 2021: Facilitating Pandemic Preparedness in Agricultural Industry via COVID-19 Hazard Assessment and Mitigation Plan (CHAMP) e-tool
March 31, 2021: Fighting Coronavirus with Corona Discharge (No recording for this webinar)
February 17, 2021: Impacts of COVID-19 on Florida Agriculture and Marine Industries
January 26, 2021: COVID-19 Vaccine Town Hall
December 15, 2020: Development and Deployment of a Farmworker Housing Simulator for COVID-19 Risk Mitigation
November 19, 2020: Adapting Agriculture in Florida during the COVID-19 Pandemic: COVID-19 testing for migrant workers in Florida and the Farm to You webpage
August 20, 2020: Impacts of COVID-19 on Extension
August 13, 2020: COVID-19 Training Toolkit for Extension in Agriculture
August 6, 2020: Preparing for the 2020 Hurricane Season in the Midst of a Pandemic
June 18, 2020: Rurality, Social Networks and Mental Well-being in Rural Latinos
May 14, 2020: Stressors, Resilience Factors and Applicability of New Interventions for Substance Misuse
April 22, 2020: Uncovering Patterns of Mental, Physical, and Occupational Health Issues Among Migrant Farmworkers with Different Socio-cultural Networks
March 5, 2020: Death on the Farm: Characteristics and Contextual Factors in Farmer and Agricultural Worker Suicide in Georgia from 2008-2015
January 23, 2020: Investigating Opioid and Alcohol Risk and Misuse Among Agricultural Workers
November 6, 2019: Heat-related Illness in a Changing Climate and Demography of Florida
October 9, 2019: Chronic low back pain in seafood workers: a pilot intervention study to identify modifiable work and movement solutions
August 29, 2019: Delivering agricultural health and safety research to stakeholders: Best practices and theoretical foundations
July 16, 2019: Heat-related Illness Prevention: Research and lessons learned from athletics
June 4, 2019: Understanding the scope of the opioid epidemic for agricultural industries
May 14, 2019: Preparing for the 2019 hurricane season: Applying lessons from hurricanes Irma and Michael
April 17, 2019: Using Social Marketing to Prevent Heat-related Illness and Improve Productivity Among Farmworkers
March 12, 2019: Acute Psychological and Health Impacts of Hurricane Irma in UF/IFAS Extension Workers
February 12, 2019: Heat Stress and Biomarkers of Renal Disease
January 22, 2019: Pesticide & Heat Stress Education for Latino Farmworkers that is Culturally Appropriate
November 6, 2018: The need for a safety focus in agriculture
October 24, 2018: Occupational Health and Safety Surveillance of Gulf Seafood Workers
September 18, 2018: Assessing Agricultural Liability
July 20, 2017: Overview of the Southeastern Coastal Center for Agricultural Health and Safety