Archived Webinars
Society of Agricultural Communications Scholars
November 18, 2024: Identifying Gaps in Training Undergraduate Researchers in AFNR Social Science
Ocotber 28, 2024: Trends and Needs of Graduates Entering Agricultural Communication Careers (panel discussion)
September 23, 2024: Accelerating Connections: Speed Networking for Agricultural Communications Scholars
April 15, 2024: Science Communication in Agriculture, Food, and Natural Resources
March 25, 2024: Establishing and Leveraging Industry Connections in the Classroom and Beyond
February 26, 2024: Things that Get Your Manuscript Rejected
January 29, 2024: Activities and Experiential Learning/Using Technology Effectively and Efficiently
November 27, 2023: Creating Collaborative Multistate Partnerships
October 23, 2023: Mentoring Junior Faculty + Concerns of New Faculty
September 25, 2023: Writing a Textbook
August 28, 2023: Generative Al’S Potential Impact on Agricultural Communications Research and Pedagogy
April 24, 2023: How to Model Mentoring and Build Relationships Across Race, Ethnicity, and Gender
March 27, 2023: The Field’s Expectation for Agricultural Communications Master’s Programs
February 27, 2023: Fulbright Scholar Program Experience
January 23, 2023: Opening the Conversation About Open Science Practices in Agricultural Communication
November 28, 2022: Onboarding Our Students for Engagement
October 24, 2022: Mentoring Undergraduate Students
September 26, 2022: Ways to Support International Graduate Students
August 29, 2022: Successes and Challenges of New Agricultural Communication Faculty Members
April 25, 2022: Evaluation and Assessment
March 28, 2022: Reviewing with the Author in Mind
February 21, 2022: Engaging Students in Your Class
November 15, 2021: Developing a Research Program (Recording) (PDF Slides)
October 25, 2021: Networking in Faculty Roles
September 27, 2021: Writing Self-Efficacy & Student Feedback Preferences
August 23, 2021: Building Better Boundaries: Dismantling targets, growing relationships, and owning your “yes”
April 26, 2021: Think Like a Futurist
March 22, 2021: From the Field: Advice for future agricultural communications journalists
February 22, 2021: Managing an Extension Appointment with Teaching and/or Research Appointment
January 25, 2021: Navigating the Tenure and Promotion Process (Part of the session was not recorded)
November 16, 2020: Teaching, research, mentoring, and educational resources
October 26. 2020: Infusing the Visual: Image-based approach to curriculum and research
September 28, 2020: Diversity and Inclusion
August 24, 2020: Employability Skills for Agricultural Communications Students
April 27, 2020: Staying Relevant: Gaining and maintaining professional skills when you don’t have time
March 23, 2020: Mentor/Mentee Relationships
February 24, 2020: Boosting engagement in your ACT chapter: What seems to work for us
January 27, 2020: Conquering the Promotion and Tenure Process
November 18, 2019: Introducing the Academic Discipline of Agricultural Communications to the United Kingdom
September 23, 2019: Project-based learning and electronic field trips
April 22, 2019: Agricultural Communications Documentation Center
March 25, 2019: Work/ life balance: avoiding burnout
February 25, 2019: Leadership in agricultural communication
January 28, 2019: Building industry connection and collaboration
November 26, 2018: Leading international travel experiences
October 22, 2018: Advising and mentoring graduate students
September 24, 2018: Innovative research techniques: Using eye tracking, dial testing, and psychophysiology in agricultural communications research
August 27, 2018: Teaching online classes
April 30, 2018: e-Portfolios
March 26, 2018: What do changes in he Facebook algorithm mean for university and department pages?
February 26, 2018: Publishing and reviewing in the Journal of Applied Communications