352-273-2598 ashleynmcleod@ufl.edu

Water: Landscape Irrigation

How much does your landscape cost to maintain? Increasing consumer awareness and developer incentive to promote early adoption of sustainable landscaping (SEEDIT)

About the Project

Principle Investigator: 
Graduate Students: 
Funded by: UF/IFAS Research

The goal of this project is to alleviate the chokepoint of unwillingness to install more sustainable and long-term economically viable landscaping designs. Building upon ongoing UF|IFAS efforts to quantify household energy and water usage, determine the ecological effects of urban plant diversity, and promote sustainable landscaping, our team will: (1) Determine how variation in landscape plant diversity and structure relates to long-term landscaping maintenance costs and household water and energy usage; (2) use this understanding to predict maintenance costs for other landscaping designs; and (3) develop an informational “landscaping sustainability guide” that can be used to educate homebuyers about the short-term vs. long-term maintenance costs, and about the environmental benefits of various landscaping designs. This guide would be analogous to the ‘energy guide’ seen on major appliances (e.g. refrigerator, ranges, and televisions). The goal of this project aligns with our team’s interest in urban ecology, ecosystem services, the effects of urban plant diversity, public education, and sustainable development.

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