352-273-2598 ashleynmcleod@ufl.edu

Laura BernheimWhat is your favorite project or part of the PIE Center? I secretly love the frantic pace we work at, even though I complain from time to time. I am also extremely grateful for the freedom and trust to experiment and try new things with our media outlets. But my favorite part has to be my coworkers. Everyone is so passionate about what they’re doing and so excited to share it with our audience.

What are you currently working on? Well, organizing this Life of PIE week, for starters. I just finished our newest outreach feature, The Slice, which will debut in a few days. I’m also finishing up our Spring Newsletter and helping prepare for the upcoming Advisory Board meeting and launch of the UF Critical Thinking Inventory website. Did I mention our frantic pace?

Do you have a hidden talent? I play the piano and violin, but that’s not very exciting. I can also walk on stilts and jump on a pogo stick.

What are you afraid of? Caves and jellyfish. They freak me out. I’m good with snakes, spiders, heights and all the normal phobias, though.

What is a fun fact that no one may know about you? Hm… I lived in New York for three months while I interned for Sports Illustrated, which is the best experience of my life. Also, my right ankle pops whenever I run or go up stairs — literally every step.

If you could have any super power, what would it be? Flying — I can’t imagine anything more liberating.

If someone asked you for a random piece of advice, what would it be? Don’t worry about it. Life has a funny way of taking care of itself. The down times make you a stronger, better person. Stressing out only makes it worse.

What are your hobbies? Horseback riding and hanging out with my dogs. Not sure if the latter counts as a hobby, but one hobby doesn’t seem like enough. I work in my spare time, whether for my master’s program or writing and designing for The Gainesville Sun. I can’t bring myself to say “working more” is my hobby. Anyway, I’m happiest when I’m on a horse.

If you could meet anyone in history, who would it be? I got this question when I was interviewing to be accepted into Ohio University’s Honors Tutorial College for journalism. I panicked and mentioned Steve Cauthen, who rode Affirmed to the Triple Crown in 1978 when he was 18. His was the first name I could think of (I’m a girl who never grew out of her horse phase). My dad teased me and asked why I couldn’t think of famous journalists. So I should say Edward R. Murrow, or Woodward and Bernstein…but I’m stubborn. Steve Cauthen.

What is your favorite type of PIE? My grandma’s apple pie (which I haven’t had in awhile, cough, cough, cough).

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