In an effort to enhance the legislative positioning of UF/IFAS, the institution commissioned a study that sought to better understand legislative aides’ perceptions of IFAS, as well as their preferred method of communication.
PIE Center researchers developed and tested a questionnaire that was later distributed by email to 251 legislative aides in the Florida Senate and House of Representatives. Aides were chosen for this study based on their accessibility and role as the gatekeepers of information for elected officials. By determining their perceptions, IFAS could develop research-based marketing strategies to effectively communicate information about IFAS contributions to the state. These strategies would propel IFAS into greater statewide recognition and legislative success. By properly communicating with legislative aides, IFAS’ policy agenda could be disseminated in an even more effective manner to state representatives.
Key findings
The survey results showed that the majority of legislative aides perceived UF/IFAS positively. Respondents chose terms such as trustworthy, credible, valuable and science-based to describe the IFAS organization. Evaluating IFAS’s public value, the aides prioritized research above extension and teaching.
With regards to gathering information, the aides consistently preferred online and interpersonal communication instead of hard copies of printed materials. Websites, communication with experts, and constituent email were rated as the top sources aides used for gathering policy information. Conversely, the aides preferred slightly different methods when receiving information from others: email, websites and face-to-face conversation.
Respondents felt that topics involving the environment, families and consumers, agriculture as well as disaster preparedness and recovery were the most important to their work. The aides, however, were only likely to use IFAS to find information on agriculture, 4-H and the environment. Aides were least likely to rely on IFAS for information about families and consumers as well as disaster preparedness and recovery.
Lastly, IFAS’s current marketing slogan, “Solutions for Your Life,” had very low levels of awareness among the aides; the slogan, however, was perceived positively as a theme that could be associated with IFAS.
Since IFAS maintains a positive impression among legislative aides, the PIE Center suggested IFAS develop messages that focus on IFAS as an information resource, not only in agriculture and 4-H, but also families, consumers, environment, and disaster preparedness and recovery.
IFAS should also avoid using printed materials to convey information to legislative aids, focusing instead on electronic and online methods.