352-273-2598 ashleynmcleod@ufl.edu


As the Florida Farm Bureau Federation (FFBF) developed a new communications campaign titled “Strong Family Farms: Strengthening Communities. Creating Jobs. Growing the Economy,” the FFBF staff sought to understand and obtain the perceptions of FFBF’s advisory committee members regarding the campaign.

The goals of the new campaign, as identified by FFBF staff, included strengthening community partnerships to foster economic development, working with state and local organizations to create a climate for economic growth, and increasing awareness of agriculture’s role in Florida’s economy.

FFBF and the PIE Center decided to use a two-part strategy to collect information. First, a web-based survey collected information in reference to members’ perceptions of a strong community, factors that affect economic development as well as barriers to economic development. The results were collected and analyzed to set the foundation for a 90-minute planning session during FFBF’s Winter Advisory Committee Council.

Key findings

Survey respondents identified six themes of a strong community: unity, shared goals and values, a sustainable economy, strong education, civic engagement, and strong leadership. According to responses, stronger school systems and more employment opportunities would most improve the strength of communities, followed by strong leaders who work together and citizen involvement. Ninety-three percent of respondents agreed or strongly agreed that economic development plays a role in the strength of a community.

Nearly 90 percent of respondents indicated that there have been barriers to economic development in their community; regulations and permitting for existing, as well as new and small businesses were the most common impediments. Other reasons included lacking infrastructure, poor K-12 education and opposing views among leadership and citizens.

Overall, members of FFBF’s advisory committee did recognize a need to strengthen their communities. They also recognized that economic development played a role in strengthening a community. Overall, committee members saw a need to become more engaged in their communities and would like FFBF to provide them with the tools to help develop the needed skills. These tools would allow members to educate, communicate, advocate, facilitate the building of partnerships with non-agricultural organizations, and create new market opportunities.


In the advisory committee’s discussion, members identified the need to support the educational system and to be active and involved in local communities in order to achieve a positive relationship with neighbors and for strong leadership in government. Therefore, FFBF should provide the tools suggested by the committee. These tools could provide information in the areas of communications, fundraising and market development initiatives. FFBF would train county leadership how to use the various toolkits and the other resources available.

To educate children on agricultural issues, FFBF should capitalize on Ag in the Classroom, 4-H and similar programs that promote leadership and education. FFBF could also offer scholarship opportunities.

Additionally, FFBF should cultivate partnerships with other organizations outside of the traditional agricultural realm. This would include policymakers, state agencies, county government departments, fish and game organizations, civic organizations and chambers of commerce.

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