352-273-2598 ashleynmcleod@ufl.edu

2015 Photo Contest

The dates

  • Jan. 20, 8 am: Photo submission opens
  • Feb. 10, 5 p.m.: Photo submission closes
  • Feb. 12, 8 a.m.: Voting begins
  • March 13, noon.: Voting ends
  • March 13: Winners announced!

The prizes

  • The overall winner will receive a $100 gift card to Amazon.
  • Each category winner will be awarded a $50 gift card to Amazon.

The contest begins on Jan. 20, and we invite people to submit photographs that capture a moment, landscape, product or service that represents the agricultural systems and ecosystems in which they live or work. Contest categories are:

  • Agriculture (plant and animal production, systems, technology, food safety, nutrition/health)
  • Natural resources (protected areas, plants/animals, water, environment, scenic views)
  • Faces of agriculture and natural resources (people working in or communicating about agriculture and natural resources)

Shutterbugs will have several options to enter the contest this year. Starting Jan. 20, participants can upload up to two photos per category on Facebook, tweet a photo and tag it #PIECenterphotos or enter through the form on the right.

Entries are due Feb. 10. PIE Center faculty and staff will choose five finalists from the three categories based on artistic merit, composition and overall impact. Our Facebook fans will vote for winners for each category and an overall winner, which will be announced on March 13. The overall winner will receive a $100 Amazon gift card and each category winner will receive a $50 gift card.

To submit photographs by email or for more information, contact Nicole Dodds at 352-273-3139 or ndodds@ufl.edu

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