The PIE Center made significant impacts on media and outreach throughout the 2016 and 2017 fiscal year. These activities and channels of communication delivered significant research findings to various audiences, including scientists, Extension professionals and the public. Faculty, staff and students with the PIE Center are committed to disseminating relevant research and aiding the public in making informed decisions on vital agricultural and natural resources issues that impact vast and diverse audiences. To do so, the PIE Center utilizes traditional media such as radio and face-to-face communication, as well as new and innovative media such as Facebook Live videos. The PIE Center’s media schedule reflected the range of issues researched in the Center, including trust in science, local food, water quality and quantity, endangered species, invasive species, agricultural safety, and community resiliency and preparedness.
Faculty and staff conducted outreach activities and trainings on the following topics:
- Agricultural water use
- Agricultural worker safety
- Agritourism
- Climate variability
- Community preparedness
- Community resiliency
- Consensus building
- Crisis communication
- Extension Disaster Education Network
- Local food
- Media relations
- Nonprofit management
- Perceptions of turfgrass and fertilizer blackout policies
- Personality assessment
- Science communication
- Story telling
- Strategic planning
- Team building and problem solving
- Trust in science
- Water use in the home landscape