352-273-2598 ashleynmcleod@ufl.edu
Preparing for Hurricane Season During the Pandemic

Preparing for Hurricane Season During the Pandemic

This hurricane season will be unlike any before it. 2020 has already been an active hurricane year, and NOAA forecasts an above-normal Atlantic hurricane season. In fact, Colorado State University recently increased the number of expected storms and hurricanes from 20...
Insight Summit Provides Online Experience

Insight Summit Provides Online Experience

The PIE Center collaborated with the Center for Rural Enterprise Engagement (CREE) to facilitate CREE’s fourth annual Insight Summit in St. Paul, Minnesota, in February 2020. The conference brought together industry members and agricultural extension staff for...
2019-2020 Annual Report: By The Numbers

2019-2020 Annual Report: By The Numbers

In 2019-2020, the PIE Center made significant contributions in the areas of research, outreach and education, including over $2 million in research partnerships, over 18,000 web views, and nearly 800 live webinar atendees. Below is a summary of contributions as the...
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