352-273-2598 ashleynmcleod@ufl.edu


Annual meeting draws praise, suggestions from advisory board

Advisory Board members praised recent PIE Center research and communications initiatives and urged faculty and staff to build relationships by seeking more in-person meetings and presentation opportunities with groups throughout Florida. For the board's third annual...

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Survey: Public positively perceives farmers’ use of water

Floridians strongly believe that farmers protect the state’s environment and water resources, according to research from the UF/IFAS Center for Public Issues Education that compared public perceptions to those of local government officials. Nearly 90 percent of state...

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New mobile site gives information on Florida water policies

Need information about water policies in a pinch? A new program from the UF/IFAS Center for Public Issues Education helps people access and decipher complicated policy information in the palm of your hand. The PIE Center’s Policy Extension Program, a mobile-friendly...

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Presentations encourage scientists to communicate with public

Even industry experts can disagree on how to communicate about agriculture. At the Florida Agricultural Biotechnology Literacy and Communication Day, assistant professor Joy Rumble discussed how she related to and identified with the 2013 Dodge “God Made a Farmer”...

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Oil spill anniversary summit explores lessons learned

Five years later, disaster recovery experts still describe the impacts of the Deepwater Horizon oil spill as on par with tragedies such as Hurricane Katrina and 9/11. As part of the oil spill’s fifth anniversary on April 20, the Healthy Gulf, Healthy Communities team...

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PIE Center makes strong showing at regional conference

By Shuyang Qu A PIE Center research paper won the top agricultural communications research honors at the annual conference of the Southern Association of Agricultural Scientists. Assistant professor Joy Rumble and master’s student Taylor Rumble collaborated to write...

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3rd-annual photo contest: Enter now!

The dates Jan. 20, 8 am: Photo submission opens Feb. 10, 5 p.m.: Photo submission closes Feb. 12, 8 a.m.: Voting begins March 13, noon.: Voting ends March 13: Winners announced! The prizes The overall winner will receive a $100 gift card to Amazon. Each category...

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