Research roundup: Water usage, nutrition education program and more
High water users’ opinions of quantity & quality To understand the differences in public opinions between large-volume water users in the Orlando area and the general state population, the PIE Center will team up with the UF/IFAS Center for Landscape Conservation...
Advisory board, PIE Center building new strategic plan
The PIE Center is taking an all-hands-on-deck approach to creating a new strategic plan. The plan, more than a year in the making, has involved upward of 25 PIE Center faculty and staff, advisory board members and faculty in the Department of Agricultural Education...
Summer outreach calendar
Our monthly webinar series, Easy as PIE, provides a convenient and free professional development option for people who want to learn new strategies without taking time off work and paying travel expenses. Each hourlong webinar is recorded and available online at all...
PIE Crumbs: new faculty position, jobs, awards
Sandra Anderson will join the PIE Center on July 7 as a research coordinator after serving as the marketing research director for Perceptive Market Research in Gainesville for the last 20 years. In hr role as marketing research director, she evaluated research...
Telg announced as new PIE Center director
Ricky Telg, interim associate dean in the College of Agricultural and Life Sciences, will become the PIE Center’s director around July 1. Senior Vice President of Agriculture and Natural Resources Jack Payne announced the decision to IFAS on Friday. With the move to...
Presentations on immigration research win international awards
As the PIE Center prepares to release the findings of its second public opinion survey about immigration reform later this month, results from last year’s survey won several awards at an international conference. Associate Director Alexa Lamm and several graduate...
Irani steps down as PIE Center director
Tracy Irani, who played a major role in establishing the PIE Center since 2008, will leave her role as director to become chairperson of the Department of Family, Youth and Community Sciences. Irani served as interim chairwoman for the department since October and...
Through their lens: 2014 photo contest winners
Overall winner — Lynn Scarborough I am 61 years old. I live on my husband's family ranch located in Lake Placid. The ranch raises beef cattle and has some citrus. I am a housewife who sometimes raises the orphan calves along with feeding and caring for a few horses....
Faculty spotlight: Assistant Professor Joy Rumble
What is your favorite project or part of the PIE Center? My favorite part of the PIE Center is getting to work on identifying solutions to address ANR issues so that ANR can continue to thrive into the future. What are you currently working on? Three specialty crop...
Faculty spotlight: Associate Director Alexa Lamm
What is your favorite project or part of the PIE Center? I love the diversity of projects the PIE Center works on so it is difficult to pick just one. I'm a person who loves diversity on the job, so working on water issues one day, labor issues the next, and then...
Faculty spotlight: Director Tracy Irani
What is your favorite project or part of the PIE Center? I like the pace and the new projects that come in - You never know when you pick up the phone or open an email what kind of project or request for help we might get. What are you currently working on?...
Intern spotlight: Chang Liu
What is your favorite project or part of the PIE Center? The water public opinion surveys. What are you currently working on? Web designing and video editing. Do you have a hidden talent? I can rotate a book on one finger. What are you afraid of? Catepillars. What is...