Publications Database
Authors | Title | Type | Issue | Year | Link |
Wandersee, C., Telg, R., Smith, D., & Mukhtar, S. | Cattle producers and climate change conversations: Assessing workshop effectiveness in preparing communicators to discuss a contentious scientific topic | Journal article | Extension, cattle, climate change | 2019 | |
Lamm, A. J., Taylor, M. R., Rumble, J. N., & Ellis, J. D. | Targeting extension programs to opinion leaders guiding genetic modification discussions. | Journal article | Extension, GMOs, opinion leaders | 2019 | |
Ruth, T. K., & Rumble, J. N. | Berry good programming: Informing extension programming through the examination of consumers’ purchasing intent | Journal article | Extension, consumers | 2019 | |
Oesterreicher, S., Lundy, L. K., Rumble, J. N., & Telg, R. W. | Collegiate millennials’ perceptions of locally produced beef. | Journal article | Opinion, beef | 2018 | |
McLeod, A. N., McKee, V., Woodall, S., McKee, B., & Rumble, J. N. | Why websites work: An examination of interdisciplinary agricultural center websites. | Journal article | Websites | 2018 | |
Randolph, L. G., Rumble, J. N., & Carter, H. S. | Perceptions and Attitudes: Analyzing opinion leaders in relation to genetically modified foods. | Journal article | Opinion, GMO's | 2018 | |
Ruth, T. K., Rumble, J. N., Lamm, A. J., & Ellis, J. D. | A model for understanding decision making related to agriculture and natural resource science and technology. | Journal article | Technology | 2018 | |
Ruth, T. K., Rumble, J. N., Lamm, A. J., Irani, T. A., & Ellis, J. D. | Are American's attitudes toward GM science really negative? An academic examination of willingness to expose attitudes. | Journal article | Opinion, GMO's | 2018 | |
Warner, L. A., Lamm, A. J., Beattie, P. N., White, S. A., & Fisher, P. R. | Identifying opportunities to promote water conservation practices among nursery and greenhouse growers. | Journal article | water conservation, nursery | 2018 | |
Warner, L. A., Lamm, A. J., & Chaudhary, A. K. | Florida residents’ perceived role in protecting water quantity and quality through landscape practices. | Journal article | Landscape irrigation, water | 2018 | |
Taylor, M. R., Lamm, A. J., Israel, G. D., & Rampold, S. D. | Using the Six Americas framework to communicate and educate about global warming. | Journal article | communication, education, global warming | 2018 | |
Rumble, J. N., Lamm, A. J., & Gay, K. D. | Guiding diffusion among local food clientele: recommendations for extension programming | Journal article | Extension & education, Local food | 2018 | |
Qu, S., Lamm, A. J., Rumble, J. N., & Telg, R. | Predicting consumers' local food attitude with personal values and local food online videos. | Journal article | Communication, agriculture, consumer preference | 2018 | |
Qu, S., Bletscher, C., & Lamm, A. J. | Exploring undergraduate students' attitude toward undocumented immigration: Implications to agricultural education. | Journal article | agricultural education | 2018 | |
Lamm, K. W., Lamm, A. J., Davis, K., & Bommidi, J. S. | Effective advocacy for extension networks: An evaluation of critical capacities. | Journal article | communication, extension | 2018 | |
Lamm, A. J., Warner, L. A., Lundy, L. K., Bommidi, J. S., & Beattie, P. | Informing water-saving communication using the situational theory of problem solving. | Journal article | communication, water | 2018 | |
Lamm, A. J., Beattie, P. N., & Taylor, M. R. | Evaluating public perceptions of agricultural water use by regions to guide extension programming. | Journal article | communication, public perception | 2018 | |
Holt, J., Rumble, J. N., Telg, R. W., & Lamm, A. J. | Understanding consumer intent to buy local food: Adding consumer past experience and moral obligation toward buying local blueberries in Florida within the Theory of Planned Behavior. | Journal article | Communication, intent, agriculture | 2018 | |
Beattie, P. N., Lamm, A. J., Rumble, J. N., & Ellis, J. D. | Identifying generational differences to target extension programming when discussing genetic modification. | Journal article | Education | 2018 | |
Gay, K. D., Owens, C. T., Lamm, A. J., & Rumble, J. N. | Assessing public issues knowledge and needs of extension agents in Florida. | Journal article | Extension & education | 2017 | |
Epstein, J., Lundy, L. & Lamm, A. J. | Water use in Florida: Examining perceptions of water use based on visual images. | Journal article | water | 2017 | |
Easterly, R. G., Warner, A. J., Myers, B. E., Lamm, A. J., & Telg, R. W. | Skills students need in the real world: Competencies desired by agricultural and natural resources industry leaders. | Journal article | agriculture, natural resource | 2017 | |
Chaudhary, A. K., Warner, L. A., Lamm, A. J., Israel, G. D., Rumble, J. N., & Cantrell, R. A. | Using the theory of planned behavior to encourage water conservation among extension clients. | Journal article | water conservation | 2017 | |
Telg, R.W., Lamm, A., Raulerson, B., & Meyers, C. | Influence of case studies when teaching agricultural and natural resources issues. | Poster | Education | 2017 | |
Ruth, T., Telg, R., Rumble, J., Lundy, L., & Lindsey, A. | Public engagement training needs of Florida Extension specialists. | Poster | Extension & education | 2017 | |
Harsh, J., Lamm, A., & Telg, R. | Seeking and engaging: Case study integration to enhance critical thinking style. | Poster | Critical thinking | 2018 | |
Telg, R.W., Raulerson, B., Harsh, J., Meyers, C., & Lamm. A. | Using multimedia case studies to teach agricultural and natural resources issues. | Presentation | Media, Education | 2017 | |
Holt, J.A., Rumble, J.N., Telg, R., & Lamm, A. | Buying Local: Understanding how consumer moral obligation and past experience impacts intention to buy local food. | Presentation | Consumer Intent, Local food | 2017 | |
Harsh, J., Lamm, A., Telg, R., Raulerson, B., Abrams, K., & Meyers, C. | Case study integration in the undergraduate classroom: Can we enhance willingness to communicate? | Presentation | Communications | 2018 | |
Ruth, T., Lundy, L., Telg, R., Rumble, J., & Lindsey, A. | An evaluation of science communication workshops for Florida Extension agents | Presentation | Communications, Extension & education | 2018 | |
Lundy, L., Rogers-Randolph, T., Lindsey, A., Hurdle, C., Ryan, H., Telg, R., & Irani, T. | Analyzing Media Coverage of Agricultural Health and Safety Issues. | Presentation | Media, Safety | 2018 | |
Oesterreicher, S., Lundy, L, Rumble, J. & Telg, R. | Collegiate Millennials’ perceptions of locally produced beef. | Presentation | Local food | 2018 | |
Gorham, L.M., Qu, S., Telg, R., & Lamm, A. | Testing the usability of communication materials through heat maps in online survey platforms. | Journal article | Communications, Heat maps | 2016 | |
Qu, S., Lamm, A. J., Rumble, J. N., & Telg, R. W. | The effects of online video on consumers’ attitudes toward local food. | Journal article | Video Communications, Local food | 2017 | |
Easterly, R.G., Warner, A.J., Lamm, A., Telg, R.W., & Myers, B.E. | Skills students need in the real world: Competencies desired by agricultural and natural resources industry leaders. | Journal article | Students, Industry Leaders | 2018 | |
Qu., S.I., Lamm, A.J., Rumble, J.N., & Telg, R.W. | Predicting consumers’ local food attitude with personal values and local food online videos | Journal article | Video Communications, Local food | 2018 | |
Holt, J., Rumble, J.N., Telg, R., & Lamm, A. | Understanding consumer intent to buy local food: Adding consumer past experience and moral obligation toward buying local blueberries in Florida within the Theory of Planned Behavior | Journal article | Consumer Intent, Local Food | 2018 | |
Harsh, J.L., Lamm, A.J., Abrams, K., Meyers, C., Telg, R., & Raulerson, B. | Case study integration in the undergraduate classroom: Can we enhance willingness to communicate? | Journal article | Communications | 2018 | |
Telg, R. W. Lundy, L., Wandersee, C., Mukhtar, S., Smith, D., & Stokes, P. | Perceptions of trust: Communicating climate change to cattle producers. | Journal article | Communications, Livestock | 2018 | |
Warner, L. A., Lamm, A. J., & Rumble, J. N. | Can videos play a role in good landscape management practices? | Journal article | Landscape | 2017 | |
Warner, L. A. & Lamm, A. J. | Understanding residential irrigation users to target water conservation extension programs. | Journal article | water conservation, irrigation , extension programs | 2017 | |
Warner, L. A., Chaudhary, A. K., Rumble, J. N., Lamm, A. J., | Using audience segmentation to tailor residential irrigation water conservation programs | Journal article | water conservation, irrigation | 2017 | |
Warner, L. A., Chaudhary, A. K., Lamm, A. J., Rumble, J. N., | Using home irrigation users’ perceptions to inform water conservation programs. | Journal article | water conservation, irrigation | 2017 | |
Taylor, M., Lamm, A. J., & Lundy L. | Using cognitive dissonance to communicate with hypocrites about water conservation and climate change. | Journal article | communication, water conservation | 2017 | |
Taylor, M. R. & Lamm, A. J. | Identifying the needs of opinion leaders to encourage widespread adoption of water conservation and protection | Journal article | water conservation | 2017 | Identifying the needs of opinion leaders to encourage widespread adoption of water conservation and protection |
Ruth, T. K., Lamm, A. J., Rumble, J. N, & Ellis, J. D. | Extension’s role in developing opinion leaders to drive water conservation | Journal article | water conservation | 2017 | |
Ruth, T. K., Lamm, A. J., Rumble, J. N, & Ellis, J. D. | Identifying publics in citrus producing states to address the issue of citrus greening | Journal article | citrus greening | 2017 | |
Ruth, T. K., Lamm, A. J., Rumble, J. N., & Ellis, J. D. | Conversing about citrus greening: Extension’s role in educating about genetic modification science as a solution | Journal article | citrus greening, extension, education | 2017 | |
Rumble, J. N., Lamm, A. J., Martin, E., & Warner, L. | Examining thought processes to understand the impact of water conservation messages on attitude | Journal article | water conservation | 2017 | |
Qu, S., Lamm, A. J., Rumble, J. N., & Telg, R. | The effects of online video on consumers’ attitudes toward local food. | Journal article | consumers, local food | 2017 | |
Qu, S., Lamm, A. J., & Rumble, J. N. | Communicating with bilingual audiences about immigration issues. | Journal article | communication, immigration | | |
Putnam, B., Lamm, A. J., & Lundy, K. | Using critical thinking styles of opinion leaders to drive extension communication. | Journal article | leadership, communication, extension | 2017 | |
Owens, C. T., & Lamm, A. J. | The politics of extension water programming: Determining if affiliation impacts participation | Journal article | extension, water | 2017 | |
McKee, B. H., Lamm, A. J., & Bunch, J. C. | Encouraging engagement in water conversation: Can trust from Extension create change? | Journal article | communication, extension, water conservation | 2017 | |
McKee, B. H., Huang, P., & Lamm, A. J. | Building extension partnerships with government to further water conservation efforts | Journal article | extension, water conservation | 2017 | |
Leal, A., Rumble, J. N., & Lamm, A. J. | Using critical thinking styles to inform food safety behavior communication campaigns | Journal article | communication, food safety | 2017 | |
Lamm, K. W., Sheikh, E., Carter, H. S., & Lamm, A. J. | Predicting undergraduate leadership student goal orientation using personality traits. | Journal article | leadership, communication | 2017 | |
Lamm, K. W., Lamm, A. J., Davis, K., & Bommidi, J. S. | Identifying knowledge management capacity needs of rural advisory service networks. | Journal article | Education | 2017 | |
Lamm, K. W., Carter, H. S., Lamm, A. J., & Lindsey, A. B. | Community leadership: A theory–based model. | Journal article | community, leadership | 2017 | |
Lamm, A. J., Warner, L. A., Taylor, M. R., Martin, E. T., White, S. A., & Fisher, P. | Diffusing water conservation and treatment technologies to nursery and greenhouse growers. | Journal article | water conservation, nursery | 2017 | |
Lamm, A. J., Warner, L. A., Martin, E. T., White, S. A., & Fisher, P. | Enhancing extension programs by discussing water conservation technology adoption with growers. | Journal article | extension, water conservation | 2017 | |
Huang, P., & Lamm, A. J. | Activating opinion leaders across the nation to increase water conservation. | Journal article | water conservation | 2017 | |
Huang, P., Lamm, A. J., & Dukes, M. | Enhancing Extension Program Effectiveness by Examining Regional Differences in High Water Users | Journal article | Extension & education, Water quantity & quality | 2017 | URL |
Lamm, A. & Ryan, C. | Extension's Role in Developing Opinion Leaders to Drive Water Conservation | Journal article | Extension & education, Water quantity & quality | 2017 | URL |
Lamm, A., Ownes, C. & Gay, K. | Assessing Public Issues Knowledge and Needs of Extension Agents in Florida | Journal article | Extension & education | 2017 | URL |
Ruth, T. K., Harders, K. L., Randolph, L. G. & Rumble, J. N. | March against march: An analysis of opposing Twitter protests | Poster | Communications | 2016 | URL |
D’Angelo, J., Lamm, A. J., Rumble, J., Taylor, M., & Ellis, J. | A comparative study of GM science diffusion among agricultural undergraduate students | Poster | Food production & technology | 2016 | URL |
Ruth, T. K., Beattie, P. N., Lamm, A. J., Rumble, J. N. | Citrus greening solutions: Extension’s role in Florida, California and Texas | Poster | Extension & education, Food production & technology | 2017 | URL |
Bird, B., Beattie, P., Lamm, A. J., & Rumble, J. N. | Communicating about genetic modification: Desired information and trusted sources | Poster | Food production & technology, Communications | 2017 | URL |
Ruth, T. K., Warner, A. J., & Rumble, J. N. | Florida consumers’ latitudes of acceptance toward GM food messages | Poster | Food production & technology | 2017 | URL |
Warner, A. J., Waldorff, K., Bradley, T., Lamm, A. J., & Rumble, J. N. | Testing if knowledge of the Florida blueberry season increases as a result of video intervention | Poster | Food production & technology, Communications | 2017 | URL |
Harsh, J., Rumble, J. N., & Anderson, S. | Seeing through GM information: Exploring perceived transparency difference in information channel and source | Poster | Food production & technology | 2017 | URL |
Qu, S., Bradley, T., & Rumble, J. N. | Who knows more about blueberries? Identifying a knowledge gap of blueberry health benefits. | Conference | Food production & technology, personality assessment | 2016 | URL |
Rogers, T. M., Rumble, J. N., & Lundy, L. K. | A framing analysis of the Captain Citrus Campaign | Conference | Communications | 2016 | URL |
Leal, A., Telg, R. W., & Rumble, J. N. | Identifying the role of social skills in agricultural communication programs | Conference | Communications | 2017 | URL |
Qu, S., Lamm, A. J., & Rumble, J. N. | Marketing power berries: An importance-performance analysis of blueberry attributes | Conference | Food production & technology | 2017 | URL |
Ruth, T. K., Lamm, A. J., & Rumble, J. N. | Identifying publics in Florida, California, and Texas as they relate to citrus greening | Conference | 2017 | URL | |
Ruth, T. K., Lamm, A. J., & Rumble, J. N. | Extension’s role in saving citrus: Entering the genetic modification science conversation | Conference | Extension & education, Food production & technology | 2017 | URL |
Martin, B., Rumble, J. N., Anderson, S., & Lundy, L. K. | Consumer perceptions and attitudes of genetically modified foods: The influence of demographics through the lens of social judgment theory | Conference | Food production & technology | 2017 | URL |
Ruth, T. K., Lamm, A. J., & Rumble, J. N. | The sound of silence: Exploring why supporters of genetic modification do not expose their attitudes | Conference | Food production & technology, Communications | 2017 | URL |
Kumar Chaudhary, A., Warner, L. A., Lamm, A. J., Israel, G. D., Rumble, J. N., & Cantrell, R. A. | Using the Theory of Planned Behavior to Understand Extension Clients’ Water Conservation Intentions | Conference | Water quantity & quality, Personality asessment | 2017 | URL |
Huang, P., Lamm, A. J., & Rumble, J. N. | Public opinions of farmer-oriented environmentally friendly extension programs: A case of best management practices | Journal article | Extension, BMP | 2016 | |
Huang, P., Lamm, A. J., & Dukes, M. | Informing extension program development through audience segmentation: Targeting high water users | Journal article | extension, water | 2016 | |
Huang, P., & Lamm, A. J. | Identifying invasive species educational needs in Florida: Opportunities for extension | Journal article | Extension, invasive species | 2016 | |
Gorham, L. M., Qu, S., Telg, R. & Lamm, A. J. | Testing the usability of communication materials through heat maps in online survey platforms | Journal article | Communications | 2016 | |
DiBenedetto, C. A., Lamm, K. W., Lamm, A. J., & Myers, B. E. | Examining undergraduate student attitude towards interdisciplinary education | Journal article | Education | 2016 | |
Lamm, K. W., Carter, H. S., & Lamm, A. J. | |||||
Lamm, K. W., Carter, H. S., & Lamm, A. J. | A theory based model of interpersonal leadership: An integration of the literature | Journal article | Leadership, Education | 2016 | |
Lamm, A. J., Taylor, M. & Lamm, K. W. | Using perceived differences in views of agricultural water use to inform practice | Journal article | agriculture, water use | 2016 | |
Lamm, A. J., Owens, C. T., Telg, R. W., & Lamm, K. W. | Influence of source credibility on agricultural water use communication. | Journal article | Communication, agriculture, water conservation | 2016 | |
Lamm, A. J., Lundy, L., Warner, L. & Lamm, K. W. | Associating importance with behavior: Providing direction for water conservation communication | Journal article | water conservation, communication | 2016 | |
Lamm, A. J., Lamm, K. W., Rodriguez, M. T. & Owens, C. T. | Examining leadership style influence on engagement in a national change process: Implications for leadership education | Journal article | Leadership, Education | 2016 | |
Cantrell, R., Warner, L., Lamm, A. J. & Rumble, J. N. | Segmenting Florida residential irrigation users by utility-bill “botheredness” and household budgetary constraints. | Journal Article | irrigation | 2016 | Segmenting Florida residential irrigation users by utility-bill “bothe… |
Lamm, K. W., Rumble, J. N., Carter, H. S., & Lamm, A. J. | Agricultural Opinion Leader Communication Channel Preferences: An Empirical Analysis | Journal article | Opinion leadership | 2016 | |
Warner, L. A., Lamm, A. J., Rumble, J. N., Martin, E., & Cantrell, R. | Classifying residents who use landscape irrigation: Implications for encouraging water conservation behavior | Journal article | Water quantity & quality, Personality asessment | 2016 | |
Ruth, T. K., & Rumble, J. N. | Branding the berries: Consumers’ strawberry purchasing intent and their attitude toward Florida strawberries | Journal article | Local food | 2016 | URL |
Ruth, T. K., Rumble, J. N., Gay, K. D., & Rodriguez, M. T. | The importance of source: A mixed methods analysis of undergraduate students’ attitudes toward genetically modified food | Journal article | Food production & technology | 2016 | |
Ruth, T. K., & Rumble, J. N. | The gold standard: A qualitative framing analysis of newspaper coverage of Golden Rice in the United States and Philippines | Journal article | Communications | 2016 | |
Rogers, T. M., Rumble, J. N., & Lundy, L. K. | Promoting commodities through comic books: A framing analysis of the Captain Citrus Campaign. | Journal article | Communications | 2016 | URL |
Rumble, J. N., Ruth, T. K., Owens, C. T., Lamm, A. J., Taylor, M. R., & Ellis, J. D. | Saving citrus: Does the next generation see GM science as a solution? | Journal article | Food production & technology | 2016 | URL |
Leal, A., Ruth, T. K., Rumble, J. N., & Simonne, A. H. | Exploring Florida residents’ food-safety knowledge and behaviors: A generational comparison. | Journal article | Food production & technology | 2017 | |
Lamm, A. J., Carter, H., Settle, Q., & Odera, E. | The influence of problem solving style on team dynamics when building consensus. | Journal Article | Problem Solving | 2016 |!current-issue-1/yg31h |
Warner, L., Lamm, A. J., & Rumble, J. N. | Defining residents who use landscape irrigation: Implications for impactful water conservation programming for an important audience | Conference | Water quantity & quality | 2016 | URL |
Owens, C. T., & Lamm, A. J. | The history of African American farmers in the south | Conference | Extension | 2016 | URL |
Martin, E., Lamm, A. J., Warner, L., Fisher, P., & White, S. | Diffusing water conservation and treatment technologies to nursery and greenhouse operations through extension programming | Conference | Water quantity & quality, Extension & education | 2016 | URL |
Martin, E., Lamm, A. J., & Warner, L. | Barriers and motivators associated with adopting water conservation technologies in crop production operations | Conference | Water quantity & quality | 2016 | URL |
Lamm, A. J., Lundy, L. K., Warner, L., & Lamm, K. W. | Associating importance with behavior: Providing direction for water conservation communication | Conference | Water quantity & quality, Communications | 2016 | URL |
Huang, P., Lamm, A. J., Warner, L., Fisher, P., & White, S. | Nursery growers’ relationships with water: What influences their opinions of water? | Conference | Water quantity & quality | 2016 | URL |
Taylor, M. R., & Lamm, A. J. | Identifying the needs of opinion leaders to encourage widespread adoption of water conservation and protection. | Conference | Water quantity & quality, Communications | 2016 | URL |
Taylor, M. R., & Lamm, A. J. | Identifying water issues opinion leader needs to encourage widespread adoption of best management practices. | Conference | Water quantity & quality | 2016 | URL |
Rumble, J. N., Ruth, T. K., Owens, C. T., Lamm, A. J., Taylor, M. R., & Ellis, J. D. | Undergraduate student thoughts on using the science of genetic modification as a solution to citrus greening | Conference | Extension | 2016 | URL |
Owens, C. T., & Lamm, A. J. | Using critical thinking styles to inform landscape water conservation extension programs | Conference | Extension | 2016 | URL |
Leal, A., Rumble, J. N., Lamm, A. J., & Gay, K. D. | Communicating about contentious issues: Florida Extension agents' role | Conference | Extension & education | 2016 | URL |
Lamm, K. W., Sheikh, E., Carter, H. S., & Lamm, A. J. | Personality and goal orientation of undergraduate agricultural leadership students: an empirical analysis | Conference | Extension | 2016 | URL |
Lamm, K. W., Lamm, A. J., & Sapp, L. R. | Using mentor insights to enhance leadership development programs | Conference | Extension | 2016 | URL |
Lamm, K. W., Carter, H. S., & Lamm, A. J | A theory based model of interpersonal leadership for use in agricultural leadership education | Conference | Extension & education | 2016 | URL |
Lamm, A. J., Taylor, M. R., & Lamm, K. W | Discerning gaps between public and decision maker views of agricultural water use to inform practice | Conference | Water quantity & quality | 2016 | URL |
Kumar Chaudhary, A. & Lamm, A. J. | Cognitive dissonance: A theoretical perspective to explain intentions to conserve water | Conference | Water quantity & quality | 2016 | URL |
Huang, P., Lamm, A. J., & Dukes, M. | Exploring the differences in water conservation behaviors among high water users in three regions of Florida: Hints for extension educators. | Conference | Water quantity & quality | 2016 | URL |
Warner, L. A., & Lamm, A. J. | How do people who use landscape irrigation differ from the general public? | Conference | Water quantity & quality | 2016 | URL |
Ryan, C., Unruh, B., Lamm, A. J., Kenworthy, K., Trenholm, L., & Erickson, J. | Exploring impact and spread of turfgrass summer fertilizer blackout ordinances | Conference | Conservation & management | 2016 | URL |
Lamm, A. J., Irani, T., & Gillen, M. | A case study examining the complexities associated with dynamic international academic partnerships formed to address complex issues and systems. | Conference | Issues identification | 2016 | URL |
Kopiyawattage, K., & Lamm, A. J. | Associating importance of water with need: Using public opinion to tailor international extension programs | Conference | Water quantity & quality, Extension & education | 2016 | URL |
Huang, P., & Lamm, A. J. | Public opinions of food insecurity issues in Taiwan: hints and opportunities for international extension educators | Conference | Food production & technology | 2016 | URL |
Easterly, R., Warner, L., Myers, B., Lamm, A. J., & Telg, R. W. | Skills students need in the real world: Competencies desired by agricultural and natural resource industry leaders | Conference | Extension & education, Issues identification | 2016 | URL |
Warner, L. A., Lamm, A. J., & Martin, E | An examination of water stewardship among landscape and nursery growers | Conference | Water quantity & quality | 2016 | URL |
Martin, E., Rumble, J. N., Warner, L. A., & Lamm, A. J. | Encouraging water conservation through communication: Exploring thought processing routes of residents who conserve water | Conference | Water quantity & quality, Communications | 2016 | URL |
Warner, L. A., Lamm, A. J., Martin, E., Rumble, J. N., & Momol, E | Encouraging landscape water-conservation behaviors: Segmenting the audience based on HOA status | EDIS | Water quantity & quality | 2016 | URL |
Warner, L. A., Martin, E., Lamm, A. J., Rumble, J. N., & Momol, E. | Encouraging landscape water-conservation behaviors: Applying audience segmentation to water conservation activities in the landscape – Defining segments of the Florida homeowner audience and implications for extension programming | EDIS | Water quantity & quality | 2016 | URL |
Owens, C. T., Lamm, A. J., & Telg, R. W. | How the general public and local officials prefer to learn about agricultural water use in Florida | EDIS | Water quantity & quality, Extension & education | 2016 | URL |
Owens, C. T., Lamm, A. J., & Telg, R. W. | Attitudes and perceptions of agricultural water use in Florida expressed by the general public and local officials | EDIS | Water quantity & quality | 2016 | URL |
Lamm, A. J. | Integrating critical thinking into extension programming #5: Using critical thinking styles to enhance team work | EDIS | Extension & education, Issues identification | 2016 | URL |
Lamm, A. J. | Integrating critical thinking into extension programming #4: Measuring critical thinking styles using the UFCTI | EDIS | Extension & education | 2016 | URL |
Marshall, L. S., Taylor, M. R., & Lamm, A. J. | Opinion leadership and the perceived health benefits of local food | EDIS | Local food | 2016 | URL |
Marshall, L. S., Taylor, M. R., & Lamm, A. J. | Opinion leadership and the perceived effects of local food on the local community | EDIS | Local food | 2016 | URL |
Marshall, L. S., Taylor, M. R., & Lamm, A. J. | Opinion leadership and the perceived economic benefits of local food | EDIS | Local food | 2016 | URL |
Huang, P., & Lamm, A. J. | Engaging high water users in water conservation #3: High water users’ opportunities to learn about water conservation | EDIS | Water quantity & quality | 2016 | URL |
Huang, P., & Lamm, A. J. | Engaging high water users in water conservation #2: High water users’ water-related behaviors and willingness to act | EDIS | Water quantity & quality | 2016 | URL |
Huang, P., & Lamm, A. J. | Engaging high water users in water conservation #1: High water users’ experiences and perceptions of water. | EDIS | Water quantity & quality | 2016 | URL |
Bird, B., & Lamm, A. J. | Using personality type preferences to enhance team work in extension programs | EDIS | Extension & education, Labor | 2016 | URL |
Gorham, L. M., Rumble, J. N., Pounds, K., Lindsey, A. B., & Irani, T. A. | The role of dissonance and schema: An exploration of Florida public perception after the DWH oil spill | Journal article | Community resilience & preparedness | 2016 | URL |
Rumble, J. N. & Irani, T. A. | Opening the doors to agriculture: The effect of transparent communication on attitude | Journal article | Communications | 2016 | URL |
Ruth, T., Rumble, J. N., & Settle, Q. D. | Narrowing the gap: Preference and awareness of Florida strawberries | Journal article | Local food, Communications | 2016 | URL |
Lamm, A. J., Dukes, M., & Huang, P. | Informing extension program development through audience segmentation targeting high water users | Journal article | Water quantity & quality, Extension & education | 2016 | URL |
Lamm, K. W., Lamm, A. J., Rumble, J. N., & Carter, H. | Agricultural opinion leader communication channel preferences: An empirical analysis of participants of agricultural and natural resource leadership development programs | Journal article | Opinion leadership, Communications | 2016 | URL |
Lamm, K. W., Carter, H. S., & Lamm, A. J. | Evaluating extension based leadership development programs in the Southern United States | Journal article | Extension & education | 2016 | URL |
Lamm, K. W., Sapp, R., & Lamm, A. J. | Leadership programming: Exploring a path to faculty engagement in transformational leadership | Journal article | 2016 | URL | |
Lindsey, A. B. & Kumaran, M. | Coastal community mobilization in the aftermath of man-made disasters: A case study of Florida gulf coast community responses after the BP Deepwater Horizon oil spill | Journal article | Community resilience & preparedness | 2016 | URL |
Lamm, A. J., Taylor, M. R., & Lamm, K. W. | Using perceived differences in views of agricultural water use to inform practice | Journal article | Water quantity & quality | 2016 | URL |
Huang, P., Lamm, A. J., & Rumble, J. N. | Public opinions of farmer-oriented environmentally friendly extension programs: A case of best management practices | Journal article | Conservation & management | 2016 | URL |
Owens, C. T., Lamm, A. J., & Telg, R. W. | Differences in perceptions of agricultural water use between the general public and local officials | EDIS | Water quantity & quality | 2016 | URL |
Rumble, J. N., Warner, L. A., Owens, C. T., Lamm, A. J., & Cantrell, R. | Encouraging landscape water-conservation behaviors #4: Florida homeowners? Reactions to messages that encourage landscape water conservation practice adoption (AEC 540). Gainesville: UF/IFAS. | EDIS | Landscape irrigation | 2016 | URL |
Bird, B., & Lamm, A. J. | Extension: Building common ground between leaders of agriculture and natural resources and public needs. | Conference | Extension & Education, Labor, Workforce preparation | 2016 | URL |
Epstein, J. M., Lamm, A. J., & Lundy, L. K. | Agricultural water use in Florida: Applying a visual semiotics-framing approach to understand perceptions. | Conference | Water quantity & quality, Communications | 2016 | URL |
Huang, P., & Lamm, A. J. | Should water conservation program targeting high water users be provided similarly statewide? Hints from three regions of Florida. | Conference | Water quantity & quality, Extension & education | 2016 | URL |
Kopiyawattage, K., & Lamm, A. J. | Public perception and willingness to pay for agricultural best management practices | Conference | Water quantity & quality | 2016 | URL |
Taylor, M. R., & Lamm, A. J. | Minimizing disparities and developing support by identifying differences in water confidence and knowledge. | Conference | Water quantity & quality | 2016 | URL |
Kopiyawattage, K., & Lamm, A. J. | Associating importance of water with need: Using public opinion to tailor international extension programs | Conference | 2016 | URL | |
Lamm, A. J., Irani, T., & Gillen, M. | A case study examining the complexities associated with dynamic international academic partnerships formed to address complex issues and systems. | Conference | Personality assessment | 2016 | URL |
Ryan, C., Unruh, B., Lamm, A. J., Kenworthy, K., Trenholm, L., & Erickson, J. | Exploring impact and spread of turfgrass summer fertilizer blackout ordinances. Abstract presented at the 1st University of Florida Center for Landscape Conservation and Ecology Urban Landscape Summit, Gainesville, | Conference | Water quantity & quality | 2016 | URL |
Warner, L. A., & Lamm, A. J. | How do people who use landscape irrigation differ from the general public? Abstract presented at the 1st University of Florida Center for Landscape Conservation and Ecology Urban Landscape Summit, Gainesville, FL. | Conference | Water quantity & quality, Extension & education | 2016 | URL |
Huang, P., Lamm, A. J., & Dukes, M. | Exploring the differences in water conservation behaviors among high water users in three regions of Florida: Hints for extension educators. | Conference | Water quantity & quality, Extension & education | 2016 | URL |
Kumar Chaudhary, A. & Lamm, A. J. | Cognitive dissonance: A theoretical perspective to explain intentions to conserve water. | Conference | Water quantity & quality, Extension & education | 2016 | URL |
Lamm, A. J., Taylor, M. R., & Lamm, K. W. | Discerning gaps between public and decision maker views of agricultural water use to inform practice. | Conference | Water quantity & quality | 2016 | URL |
Owens, C. T., & Lamm, A. J. | Using critical thinking styles to inform landscape water conservation extension programs | Conference | Water quantity & quality, Personality asessment | 2016 | URL |
Taylor, M. R., & Lamm, A. J. | Identifying water issues opinion leader needs to encourage widespread adoption of best management practices. | Conference | Water quantity & quality, Opinion leadership | 2016 | URL |
Huang, P., Lamm, A. J., Warner, L., Fisher, P., & White, S | Nursery growers’ relationships with water: What influences their opinions of water? Paper presented at the Southern Association of Agricultural Sciences Annual Meeting, Horticulture Section, San Antonio, TX. | Conference | Water quantity & quality, Extension & education | 2016 | |
Lamm, A. J., Lundy, L. K., Warner, L., & Lamm, K. W. | Associating importance with behavior: Providing direction for water conservation communication | Conference | Water quantity & quality, Communications | 2016 | URL |
Martin, E., Lamm, A. J. & Warner, L. | Barriers and motivators associated with adopting water conservation technologies in crop production operations. [Abstract]. Proceedings of the 2016 UF Water Institute Symposium, Gainesville, FL. | Conference | Water quantity & quality | 2016 | URL |
Martin, E., Lamm, A. J. Warner, L., Fisher, P., & White, S. | Diffusing water conservation and treatment technologies to nursery and greenhouse operations through extension programming. Paper presented at the Southern Association of Agricultural Sciences Annual Meeting, Horticulture Section, San Antonio, TX. | Conference | Water quantity & quality, Extension & education | 2016 | |
Owens, C. T. & Lamm, A. J. | The history of African-American farmers in the south | Conference | Extension & Education, Labor, Workforce preparation | 2016 | URL |
Warner, L. A., Lamm, A. J., Martin, E., Rumble, J. N., & Momol, E. | Encouraging landscape water-conservation behaviors: Segmenting the audience based on HOA status | EDIS | Water quantity & quality, Extension & education | 2016 | URL |
Lamm, A. J., Carter, H., Settle, Q., & Odera, E. | The influence of problem solving style on team dynamics when building consensus | Journal article | Personality assessment, Issues identification, Opinion leadership | 2016 | URL |
Warner, L. A., Lamm, A. J., & Rumble, J. N. | Defining residents who use landscape irrigation: Implications for impactful water conservation programming for an important audience. [Abstract]. Proceedings of the 2016 UF Water Institute Symposium, Gainesville, FL. | Conference | Water quantity & quality | 2016 | URL |
Ruth, T. K., & Rumble, J. N. | Eastern United States consumers’ purchasing intent of Florida strawberries. Proceedings of the Southern Association of Agricultural Scientists Agricultural Communications Division, San Antonio, TX. | Conference | Local food | 2016 | URL |
Settle, Q., Rumble, J. N., McCarty, K., & Ruth, T. K. | Public knowledge and trust perceptions for organizations that communicate about agriculture and natural resources. Proceedings of the Southern Association of Agricultural Scientists Agricultural Communications Division, San Antonio, TX. | Conference | Communications | 2016 | URL |
Leal, A., Rumble, J. N., Lamm, A. J., & Gay, K. D. | Communicating about contentious issues: Florida extension agents' role. Proceedings of the American Association for Agricultural Education Southern Region Conference, San Antonio, TX | Conference | Extension & education, Communications | 2016 | |
Ruth, T. K. , & Rumble, J. N. | Influence of persuasive communication on Florida consumers' attitude toward genetically modified food. Proceedings of the Southern Association of Agricultural Scientists Agricultural Communication Division, SanAntonio, TX. | Conference | Food production & technology | 2016 | URL |
Rumble, J. N., Ruth, T. K., Owens, C. T., Lamm, A. J., Taylor, M. R., & Ellis, J. D. | Undergraduate student thoughts on using the science of genetic modication as a solution for citrus greening. Proceedings of the American Association for Agricultural Education Southern Region Conference, SanAntonio, TX | Conference | Food production & technology | 2016 | |
Huang, P. | Predicting Taiwanese general public's support of locally grown food using awareness of food insecurity issues (Doctoral dissertation). University of Florida. | Dissertation | Food production & technology | 2015 | URL |
Gay, K. D. | The effect of education experience and critical thinking style on individual innovativeness in Extension programming (Doctoral dissertation). University of Florida. | Dissertation | Extension & education, Personality assessment | 2015 | URL |
Ruth, T. | The influence of persuasive communication on Florida consumers' change in attitude and change in risk perception of genetically modified food (Master's thesis). University of Florida. | Thesis | Food production & technology, Communications | 2015 | URL |
Huang, P., & Lamm, A. J. | Impact of experience and participation in Extension programming on perceptions of water quality issues. Journal of International Agricultural and Extension Education, 22(3). | Journal article | Water quantity & quality, Extension & education | 2015 | URL |
Gay, K. D., Leal, A., Ruth, T. K., Lamm, A. J., & Rumble, J. N. | Comparing the use of visual analogue scales and likert scales in international agricultural and extension education surveys. Journal of International Agriculture and Extension Education, 22(2). | Journal article | Research, Extension & education | 2015 | URL |
Odera, E., Lamm, A. J., Odera, L. C., Duryea, M., & Davis, J. | Understanding how research experiences foster undergraduate research skill development and influence STEM career choice. NACTA Journal, 59(3). | Journal article | Extension & education, Workforce preparation | 2015 | URL |
Rodriguez, M. T., Lamm, A. J., Odera, E., Owens, C. T., & Thompson, S. | Evaluating impacts of school-based Extension garden programs from a child’s perspective. Journal of Extension, 53(1). | Journal article | Extension & education | 2015 | URL |
Gay, K., Terry, B., & Lamm, A. J. | Identifying critical thinking style to enhance volunteer development. Journal of Extension, 53(6). | Journal article | Personality assessment, Extension & education | 2015 | URL |
Huang, P., & Lamm, A. J. | Understanding public engagement in water conservation behaviors and knowledge of water policy: Promising hints for Extension. Journal of Extension, 53(6). | Journal article | Water quantity & quality, Extension & education | 2015 | URL |
Warner, L. A., Rumble, J. N., Martin, E., Lamm, A. J., & Cantrell, R. A. | The effect of strategic message selection on residents’ intent to conserve water in the landscape. Journal of Agricultural Education, 56(3). 59-74. | Journal article | Communications, Water quantity & quality | 2015 | URL |
Holt, J., Rumble, J.N., Telg, R., & Lamm, A. | The message or the channel: An experimental design of consumers' perceptions of a local food message and the media channels used to deliver the information. Journal of Applied Communications, 99(4), 6-19. | Journal article | Local food, Communications | 2015 | URL |
Lamm, K. W., Lamm, A. J., & Carter, H. | Bridging water issue knowledge gaps between the general public and opinion leaders. Journal of Agricultural Education, 56(3), 146-161. | Journal article | Communications, Water quantity & quality | 2015 | URL |
Gorham, L. M., Rumble, J. N., & Holt, J. A. | The impact of local: Exploring the impact of availability and location on food buying decisions. Journal of Applied Communications, 99(2), 30-43. | Journal article | Local food | 2015 | URL |
Settle, Q., Rumble, J., Telg, R., Irani, T., Carter, H., & Wysocki, A. | The impact of being a public organization on the public’s perceptions of the Florida Forest Service’s brand. Journal of Applied Communications, 99(1), 6-20. | Journal article | Forestry | 2015 | URL |
Leal, A., Rumble, J. N., & Lamm, A. J. | Setting the agenda: Exploring Floridian’s perceptions of water quality and quantity issues. Journal of Applied Communications, 99(3), 53-67. | Journal article | Water quantity & quality, Communications | 2015 | URL |
Lamm, A.J. & Telg, R.W. | Using the Kirton Adaption-Innovation Inventory to strengthen extension programs. University of Florida Cooperative Extension Service Publication Series (AEC573). Gainesville, FL. | EDIS | Personality assessment | 2015 | URL |
Lamm, A.J. & Telg, R.W. | Using the True Colors Personality Assessment to strengthen extension programs. University of Florida Cooperative Extension Service Publication Series (AEC572). Gainesville, FL. | EDIS | Personality assessment | 2015 | URL |
Lamm, A.J. & Telg, R.W. | Using the Myers-Briggs Personality Type Indicator to strengthen extension programs. University of Florida Cooperative Extension Service Publication Series (AEC571). Gainesville, FL. | EDIS | Personality assessment | 2015 | URL |
Lamm, A.J. & Telg, R.W. | Teaching to different personality types. University of Florida Cooperative Extension Service Publication Series (AEC570). Gainesville, FL. | EDIS | Personality assessment | 2015 | URL |
Telg, B., Jones, J., Telg, R., Raulerson, B. | Storytelling through social media. University of Florida Cooperative Extension Service Publication Series (AEC556). Gainesville, FL. | EDIS | Workforce preparation | 2015 | URL |
Telg, B., Jones, J., & Telg, R. | Face-to-face storytelling. University of Florida Cooperative Extension Service Publication Series (AEC555). Gainesville, FL. | EDIS | Workforce preparation | 2015 | URL |
Telg, B., Jones, J., & Telg, R. | Letting them in: Sharing your story with people outside of your industry. University of Florida Cooperative Extension Service Publication Series (AEC554). Gainesville, FL. | EDIS | Workforce preparation | 2015 | URL |
Telg, B., Jones, J., & Telg, R. | Story development. University of Florida Cooperative Extension Service Publication Series (AEC553). Gainesville, FL. | EDIS | Workforce preparation | 2015 | URL |
Lamm, A. | Integrating critical thinking into extension programming #3: Critical thinking styler. Florida Cooperative Extension Service Electronic Data Information Source (AEC546). | EDIS | Extension & education, Personality assessment | 2015 | URL |
Lamm, A. J. | Integrating critical thinking into extension programming #2: Developing critical thinking skills. Florida Cooperative Extension Service Electronic Data Information Source (AEC545). | EDIS | Extension & education, Personality assessment | 2015 | URL |
Lamm, A. J. | Integrating critical thinking into extension programming #1: Critical thinking defined. Florida Cooperative Extension Service Electronic Data Information Source AEC544. | EDIS | Extension & education, Personality assessment | 2015 | URL |
Kumar Chaudhary, A., Warner, L. A., Lamm, A. J., Rumble, J. & Cantrell, R. | Encouraging landscape water-conservation behaviors: Personal and social norms of Florida residents who use irrigation in the home landscape. Florida Cooperative Extension Service Electronic Data Information Source AEC543. | EDIS | Extension & education, Landscape irrigation | 2015 | URL |
Owens, C., Warner, L., Rumble, J., Lamm, A., Martin, E., & Cantrell, R. | Encouraging landscape water-conservation behaviors: Information seeking preferences of Florida residents who use irrigation in the home landscape (AEC542/WC204). Gainesville: UF/IFAS. | EDIS | Landscape irrigation | 2015 | URL |
Warner, L. A., Martin, E., Lamm, A., Rumble, J., & Cantrell, R. | Encouraging landscape water-conservation behaviors #1: Tailoring programs to Florida residents who use irrigation in the home (AEC537). Gainesville: UF/IFAS. | EDIS | Landscape irrigation | 2015 | URL |
Gorham, L.M., Qu, S., Telg, R., & Lamm, A. | Using heat maps to determine the usability of Extension communication materials. University of Florida Cooperative Extension Service Publication Series (AEC536). Gainesville, FL. | EDIS | Extension & education | 2015 | URL |
Cantrell, R., Warner, L., Rumble, J. & Lamm, A. J. | Using the Decision-Ade? Segmentation strategy to better understand extension audiences. Florida Cooperative Extension Service Electronic Data Information Source FCS3331. | EDIS | Extension & education, Water quantity & quality | 2015 | URL |
Owens, C., Warner, L. Rumble, J., Lamm, A., & Cantrell, R. | Encouraging landscape water-conservation behaviors #3: Developing Extension outreach messages that encourage landscape water conservation (AEC 539). Gainesville: UF/IFAS. | EDIS | Landscape irrigation | 2015 | URL |
Mitchell, C., & Rumble, J. N. | Planning a farm tour: Keeping the conversation fresh (AEC557). Gainesville: UF/IFAS. | EDIS | Communications | 2015 | URL |
Fernandez, J. C. & Rumble, J. N. | Getting the most out of social media: Good practices when using social media (AEC561). Gainesville: UF/IFAS. | EDIS | Communications | 2015 | URL |
Fernandez, J. C. & Rumble, J. N. | Getting the most out of social media: Successfully using social media (AEC560). Gainesville: UF/IFAS. | EDIS | Communications | 2015 | URL |
Fernandez, J. C. & Rumble, J. N. | Getting the most out of social media: Creating a social media plan (AEC559). Gainesville: UF/IFAS. | EDIS | Communications | 2015 | URL |
Fernandez, J. C. & Rumble, J. N. | Getting the most out of social media: What is social media? (AEC558). Gainesville: UF/IFAS. | EDIS | Communications | 2015 | URL |
Rumble, J. N. | Transparency in Agriculture and Natural Resources: Defining transparent communication (AEC563). Gainesville: UF/IFAS. | EDIS | Communications | 2015 | URL |
Huang, P., Owens, C. T., & Lamm, A. J. | Examining the effect of familiarity with water policies on engagement in water conservation behaviors [Abstract]. Proceedings of the Association for International Agricultural and Extension Education National Meeting, Wageningen, Netherlands. | Conference | Water quantity & quality | 2015 | URL |
Huang, P., Qu, S., & Lamm, A. J. | Using public opinions of invasive species to drive the development of international extension education programs [Abstract]. Proceedings of the Association for International Agricultural and Extension Education National Meeting, Wageningen, Netherlands. | Conference | Extension & education, Endangered & invasive species | 2015 | URL |
Owens, C. T., Qu, S. & Lamm, A. J. | Understanding international travelers' perceptions regarding the need to declare agriculture products [Abstract]. Proceedings of the Association for International Agricultural and Extension Education National Meeting, Wageningen, Netherlands. | Conference | Endangered & invasive species | 2015 | URL |
Qu, S., Gorham, L., Huang, P., Lamm, A. J., & Owens, C. T. | How can extension catch your attention? Evaluating international traveler's perceptions of an educational website [Abstract]. Proceedings of the Association for International Agricultural and Extension Education National Meeting, Wageningen, Netherlands. | Conference | Extension & education, Endangered & invasive species | 2015 | URL |
Qu, S., Huang, P., & Lamm, A. J. | Incorporation of diversity training in extension programs: Needs associated with colorblindness [Abstract]. Proceedings of the Association for International Agricultural and Extension Education National Meeting, Wageningen, Netherlands. | Conference | Extension & education, Labor | 2015 | URL |
Kumar Chaudhary, A., Warner, L. A., Rumble, J. N., Lamm, A. J., & Cantrell, R. A. | Change in water conservation behavior of Florida residents as predicted by theory of planned behavior change. [Abstract]. Proceedings of the 21st International Symposium on Society and Resource Management. Charleston, SC. | Conference | Water quantity & quality | 2015 | URL |
Owens, C. T., Warner, L. A., Cantrell, R. A., Rumble, J. N., & Lamm, A. J. | Understanding community preference as a means of changing irrigation water-usage practices [Abstract]. Proceedings of the 21st International Symposium on Society and Resource Management. Charleston, SC. | Conference | Water quantity & quality | 2015 | URL |
Warner, L. A., Kumar Chaudhary, A., Lamm, A. J., Cantrell, R. A., & Rumble, J. N. | Exploration of the relationships between residents’ current and future water conservation behaviors [Abstract]. Proceedings of the 21st International Symposium on Society and Resource Management. Charleston, SC. | Conference | Water quantity & quality | 2015 | URL |
Lamm, K. W., Rumble, J. N., Carter, H. S. & Lamm, A. J. | Channel surfing: An examination of preferred communication channels by agricultural opinion leaders. Research paper presented at the 2015 Southern Association of Agricultural Scientists Conference, Agricultural Communication Section, Atlanta, GA. | Conference | Opinion leadership, Communications | 2015 | URL |
Qu, S., Gorham, L. M., Rumble, J. N., Roper, C. G. | Bringing the farm to the school: Connecting food service directors and agricultural producers through communication. Research paper presented at the 2015 Southern Association of Agricultural Scientists Conference, Agricultural Communication Section, Atlan | Conference | Local food | 2015 | URL |
Leal, A., Rumble, J. N., & Lamm, A. J. | Floridians in the 21st century: Exploring the relationship between critical thinking styles and food safety behaviors. Research paper presented at the 2015 Southern Association of Agricultural Scientists Conference, Agricultural Communication Section, Atl | Conference | Personality assessment, Food production & technology | 2015 | URL |
Ruth, T., & Rumble, J. N. | A fresh brand strategy: Evaluating consumers’ strawberry purchasing intent and their attitude toward Florida grown strawberries. Research paper presented at the 2015 Southern Association of Agricultural Scientists Conference, Agricultural Communication Se | Conference | Local food | 2015 | URL |
Gorham, L., Qu, S. & Lamm, A. J. | Catching your attention: Using heat maps to determine the usability of websites. Poster presented at the 2015 Southern Association of Agricultural Scientists Agricultural Communications Section, Atlanta, GA. | Conference | Research | 2015 | URL |
Roper, C. G., & Rumble, J. N. | Targeting true contaminants: Florida resident perceptions of animal and vegetable product food safety and concerns associated with production and preparation practices. Research paper presented at the 2015 Southern Association of Agricultural Scientists C | Conference | Food production & technology | 2015 | URL |
Boudreaux, A., Stedman, N., Carter, H., Lamm, A. J., & Kumaran, M. | Fostering resilience through a leadership development program: Examining perspectives from the gulf coast. Research paper submitted for presentation at the 2015 Association for Leadership Educators Conference, Washington D.C. | Conference | Community resilience & preparedness, Opinion leadership | 2015 | URL |
Cantrell, R., Warner, L., Lamm, A. J. & Rumble, J. | Segmenting Florida residential irrigation users by utility-bill “botheredness” and household budgetary constraints. Research paper accepted for presentation at the Housing Education and Research Association 49th Annual Conference, Springfield, Illinois. | Conference | Water quantity & quality | 2015 | URL |
Lamm, A. J., & Telg, R. | UFCTI: Measuring students' critical thinking styles. Poster presented at the 2015 North American Colleges and Teachers of Agriculture National Meeting, Athens, GA. | Conference | Personality assessment | 2015 | URL |
Rodriguez, M., & Lamm, A. J. | Identifying student cultural awareness and perceptions of different cultures. Proceedings of the American Association for Agricultural Education National Conference, San Antonio, TX, 42. | Conference | Extension & education | 2015 | URL |
Gorham, L., Qu, S., Lamm, A. J. & Telg, R. | Evaluating the usability of websites: An introduction to heat maps. Poster presented at the 2015 American Association for Agricultural Education, San Antonio, TX. | Conference | Research, Communications | 2015 | URL |
Qu, S., Lamm, A. J., & Rumble, J. N. | Communicating about Undocumented Immigration Issues: Is Your Target Audience Bilingual? Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Association for Communication Excellence in Agriculture, Natural Resources, and Life and Human Sciences, Charleston, SC. | Conference | Labor, Communications | 2015 | |
Holt, J., Rumble, J. N., Telg, R., & Lamm, A. | The message or the channel: An experimental design of consumers’ perceptions of a local food message and the media channels used to deliver the information. Paper presented at the Association for Communication Excellence in Agriculture, Natural Resources, and Life and Human Sciences, Charleston, SC. | Conference | Local food | 2015 | |
Huang, P., Lamm, A. J., & Rumble, J. N. | Public opinions of farmer-oriented environmentally friendly extension programs: A case of best management practices. Abstract presented at the annual meeting of the Southern Rural Sociological Society, Atlanta, GA. | Conference | Conservation & management | 2015 | |
Gay, K. D., Owens, C. T., Lamm, A. J., & Rumble, J. N. | Analyzing extension agent knowledge levels and needs regarding public issues. Paper presented at the Southern Region American Association for Agricultural Education Southern Region, Atlanta, GA. | Conference | Extension & education | 2015 | |
Gay, K. D., Ruth, T. K., Leal, A., Rumble, J. N., & Lamm A. J. | Determining the viability of visual analogue scales for use when conducting agricultural and extension education surveys. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Association for Agricultural Education Southern Region, Atlanta, GA. | Conference | Research, Extension & education | 2015 | |
Huang, P., Lamm, A. J., & Dukes, M. | Do extension audiences behave in a similar manner? Exploring the differences between the general public and high water users. Proceedings of the American Association for Agricultural Education Southern Region Conference, Atlanta, GA. | Conference | Extension & education, Water quantity & quality | 2015 | |
Lamm, K. W., Carter, H. S., & Lamm, A. J. | An evaluation of Extension-based agricultural and natural resource leadership development programs in the southern United States. Proceedings of the American Association for Agricultural Education Southern Region Conference, Atlanta, GA. | Conference | Extension & education | 2015 | |
Lamm, K. W., Lamm, A. J., & Carter, H. S. | Mind the gap: Analyzing the differences in perceptions of water issues between the general public and agriculture and natural resource opinion leaders. Proceedings of the American Association for Agricultural Education Southern Region Conference, Atlanta, GA | Conference | Water quantity & quality | 2015 | |
Lamm, K. W., Sapp, L. R., & Lamm, A. J. | Developing transformational leaders in the Land Grant University System: An empirical analysis. Proceedings of the American Association for Agricultural Education Southern Region Conference, Atlanta, GA. | Conference | Opinion leadership, Workforce preparation | 2015 | |
Parker, S. J., & Lamm, A. J. | The undocumented industry: Perceptions of undocumented immigrants in agriculture [Abstract]. Proceedings of the Rural Sociological Society Southern Region Meeting. Atlanta, GA, 36. | Conference | Labor | 2015 | |
DiBenedetto, C. A., Lamm, K. W., Lamm, A. J., & Myers, B. E. | Interdisciplinary education: Goal orientation and faculty advisor influence on undergraduate decisions in course enrollment. Poster presented at the 2015 Association for Agricultural and Extension Education Southern Region Meeting, Atlanta, GA. | Conference | Workforce preparation | 2015 | |
Owens, C. T., Lamm, A. J., Carter, H. S. & Lamm, K. W. | Understanding how cognitive style influences opinion leader team dynamics when addressing agricultural issues. Poster presented at the 2015 Association for Agricultural and Extension Education Southern Region Meeting, Atlanta, GA. | Conference | Personality assessment | 2015 | URL |
Lamm, A. J., & Craig, D. | Using data viz to demonstrate impact. Paper accepted for presentation at the American Evaluation Association Annual Conference, Chicago, IL. | Conference | Research | 2015 | |
Qu, S., Gorham, L. M., Rumble, J. N., & Roper, C. G. | Utilizing two-way communication to break down the barriers of farm to school. Paper presented at the national meeting of the American Association for Agricultural Education, San Antonio, TX. | Conference | Local food, Communications | 2015 | |
Ruth, T. K., Rumble, J. N., & Settle, Q. D. | Preference and behavior: A case of dissonance in the produce aisle. Paper presented at the national meeting of the American Association for Agricultural Education, San Antonio, TX. | Conference | Local food | 2015 | |
Ruth, T. K., Gay, K. D., Rumble, J. N., & Rodriguez, M. T. | Influences on undergraduate students' opinions toward genetically modified food. Paper presented at the national meeting of the American Association for Agricultural Education, San Antonio, TX. | Conference | Food production & technology | 2015 | |
Holt, J. A., Rumble, J. N., & Cabrera, E. | Tours for empowering future professionals. Poster presented at the North American Colleges & Teachers of Agriculture Conference, Athens, GA. | Conference | Workforce preparation | 2015 | |
Leal, A., & Rumble, J. N. | Understanding the challenges surrounding contentious issue conversations: Florida Extension agent’s perspective. Poster be presented at the national meeting of the American Association for Agricultural Education, San Antonio, TX. | Conference | Extension & education | 2015 | URL |
Ruth, T. K., Leal, A., & Rumble, J. N. | Generational differences in food safety behaviors and obtaining food safety knowledge. Poster presented at the national meeting of the American Association for Agricultural Education, San Antonio, TX. | Conference | Food production & technology | 2015 | URL |
Johnson, L., Stevenson, C., O’Connor, R., Thaxton, B., Verlinde, C., Rumble, J., & Stein, T. | Encouraging economic development through the 2014 Gulf Coast agritourism & ecotourism business development conference. Poster presented at the National Association of County Agricultural Agents, Sioux Falls, SD. | Conference | Extension & education | 2015 | |
Roper, C. G. | Cutting through the clutter: Using focus groups to understand how southwest Florida opinion leaders interpret strategically framed persuasive message appeals about agriculture (Master's thesis). University of Florida. | Thesis | General agriculture, Opinion leadership | 2014 | URL |
Pounds, K. | Food fight in Florida: Assessing Florida residents' perceptions, purchasing intentions, and labeling perceptions of GMOs (Master's thesis). University of Florida. | Thesis | Food production & technology | 2014 | URL |
Ma, Y. | A comparative study of framing of genetically modified (GM) foods: Assessing differences between U.S. and Chinese & National comprehensive and economic newspapers' coverage (Master's thesis). University of Florida. | Thesis | Food production & technology | 2014 | URL |
Hicks, R. | Media use for marketing purebred cattle (Master's thesis). University of Florida. | Thesis | Livestock, Communications | 2014 | URL |
Rumble, J. N., Chiarelli, C., Culbertson, A., & Irani, T. A. | A picture is worth a thousand words: Consumer perceptions of agricultural images. Journal of Human Sciences and Extension, 2(2), 47-64. | Journal article | General agriculture | 2014 | URL |
Blackburn, J., Robinson, S., & Lamm, A.J. | How cognitive style and problem complexity affect preservice agricultural education teachers' abilities to solve problems in agricultural mechanics. Journal of Agricultural Education, 55(4), 133-147 | Journal article | Personality assessment | 2014 | URL |
Lamm, K. W., Rumble, J. N., Carter, H. S. & Lamm, A. J. | Teaching transformational leadership to undergraduate agricultural leadership students: Using the personality trait of agreeableness ot improve understanding. Journal of Agricultural Eduction, 55(4), 24-47. | Journal article | Personality assessment, Workforce preparation | 2014 | URL |
Lamm, K. W., Lamm, A. J., & Carter, H. S. | Opinion leadership development: Context and audience characteristics count. Journal of Agricultural Education, 55(2), 91-105 | Journal article | Opinion leadership | 2014 | URL |
Gorham, L., Lamm, A. J., & Rumble, J. | The critical target audience: Communicating water conservation behaviors to critical thinking styles. Journal of Applied Communications, 98(4), 42-55. | Journal article | Personality assessment, Water quantity & quality | 2014 | URL |
Gorham, L. M., Lamm, A. J., & Rumble, J. N. | The critical target audience: Communicating water conservation behaviors to critical thinking styles. Journal of Applied Communications, 98(4), 42-55. | Journal article | Water quantity & quality | 2014 | URL |
Rumble, J. N., Holt, J., & Irani, T. A. | The power of words: Exploring consumers’ perceptions of words commonly associated with agriculture. Journal of Applied Communications, 98(2), 23-36. | Journal article | General agriculture | 2014 | URL |
Rumble, J. N., Davis, A., & Telg, R. W. | Communication audits: Adding value and social impact to agricultural communications. Journal of Applied Communications, 98(1), 8-16. | Journal article | Research, Communications | 2014 | URL |
Dodds, N. M. W., Miller, M. H. & Lamm, A. J. | Floridians' perceptions of invasive species. Florida Cooperative Extension Service Electronic Data Information Source (WC186). | EDIS | Endangered & invasive species | 2014 | URL |
Miller, M. H., Dodds, N. M. W., & Lamm, A. J. | Floridians' perceptions of endangered species. Florida Cooperative Extension Service Electronic Data Information Source (WC186). | EDIS | Endangered & invasive species | 2014 | URL |
Dodds, N. M. W., Gorham, L. M., Rumble, J. N. | Floridians' perceptions of GMOs: GMOs and Florida citrus (AEC520/ WC182). Gainesville: UF/IFAS. | EDIS | Food production & technology | 2014 | URL |
Rumble, J. N., & Roper, C. G. | Talking local: Florida consumers’ Fresh from Florida perceptions (AEC516/WC181). Gainesville: UF/IFAS. | EDIS | Local food | 2014 | URL |
Rumble, J. N., & Roper, C. G. | Talking local: Florida consumers’ flexibility with the term local (AEC515/ WC180). Gainesville: UF/IFAS. | EDIS | Local food | 2014 | URL |
Rumble, J. N., & Roper, C. G. | Talking local: Florida consumers’ food buying decisions when given local food information (AEC514/WC179). Gainesville: UF/IFAS. | EDIS | Local food | 2014 | URL |
Owens, C. T. & Lamm, A. J. | How problems gain importance and become contentious issues through agenda setting. Florida Cooperative Extension Service Electronic Data Information Source (WC177). | EDIS | Issues identification | 2014 | URL |
Roper, C. G., & Rumble, J. N. | Talking local: Florida consumers’ reasons for purchasing local food (AEC511/WC176). Gainesville: UF/IFAS. | EDIS | Local food | 2014 | URL |
Roper, C. G., & Rumble, J. N. | Talking local: Florida consumers’ local food purchasing behaviors (AEC510/WC175). Gainesville: UF/IFAS. | EDIS | Local food | 2014 | URL |
Roper, C. G., Rumble, J. N., Ma, Y., & Irani, T. A. | Talking local: Florida consumer definitions of local food (AEC509/WC174). Gainesville: UF/IFAS. | EDIS | Local food | 2014 | URL |
Roper, C. & Lamm, A. J. | Engaging consumers in at-home water conservation: A guide for Extension. Florida Cooperative Extension Service Electronic Data Information Source (WC169). | EDIS | Extension & education, Water quantity & quality | 2014 | URL |
Roper, C. & Lamm, A. J. | Extension and the environment: Understanding Florida residents' perceptions of environmental water-related topics. Florida Cooperative Extension Service Electronic Data Information Source (WC167). | EDIS | Extension & education, Water quantity & quality | 2014 | URL |
Roper, C. & Lamm, A. J. | Communicating with extension clients about water. Florida Cooperative Extension Service Electronic Data Information Source WC165. | EDIS | Extension & education, Water quantity & quality | 2014 | URL |
Odera, E., Galido-Gonzales, S., Harder, A., Israel, G. D., & Lamm, A. J. | Grant writing: Tips and advice for new writers. Florida Cooperative Extension Service Electronic Data Information Source (WC161). | EDIS | Research | 2014 | URL |
Holt, J. | The effect of media channels on consumers' intentions to buy local food: An exploration of the theory of planned behavior and media channel perceptions (Doctoral dissertation). University of Florida. | Dissertation | Local food, Communications | 2014 | URL |
Qu, S., & Lamm, A. J. | Communicating about immigration issues: Understanding public perceptions of e-Verify. Poster presented at the 2014 Association for International Agricultural and Extension Education Annual Meeting, Miami, FL. | Conference | Labor | 2014 | URL |
Huang, P., & Lamm, A. J. | Impact of experience and participation in extension programming on perceptions of water quality issues [Abstract]. Proceedings of the Association for International Agricultural and Extension Education Annual Meeting, Miami, FL. | Conference | Extension & education, Water quantity & quality | 2014 | URL |
Lamm, A. J. | Looking the wrong way? Exploring relationships between color-blindness and opinions of undocumented immigrants [Abstract]. Proceedings of the Association for International Agricultural and Extension Education Annual Meeting, Miami, FL. | Conference | Labor | 2014 | URL |
Lamm, K. W., Carter, H. S., & Lamm, A. J. | Intercultural perceptions and communications: Leadership development of industry opinion leaders [Abstract]. Proceedings of the Association for International Agricultural and Extension Education Annual Meeting, Miami, FL. | Conference | Opinion leadership | 2014 | URL |
Odera, E., Lamm, A. J., Balser, T., & DiBenedetto, C. | Undergraduate student thoughts about feeding the world [Abstract]. Proceedings of the Association for International Agricultural and Extension Education Annual Meeting, Miami, FL. | Conference | Extension & education, Food production & technology | 2014 | URL |
Parker, S. J., & Lamm, A. J. | Exposure and perceptions: Undocumented immigrants in agriculture [Abstract]. Proceedings of the Association for International Agricultural and Extension Education Annual Meeting, Miami, FL. | Conference | Labor | 2014 | URL |
Qu, S., & Lamm, A. J. | Bt cotton adoption in Shandong Province, China [Abstract]. Proceedings of the Association for International Agricultural and Extension Education Annual Meeting, Miami, FL. | Conference | Food production & technology, Crops | 2014 | URL |
Gay, K. D., Rumble, J. N., Lamm, A. J. | Informing extension programming with research: A look into local food. Paper submitted for presentation at the national meeting of the American Association for Agricultural Education, Salt Lake City, UT. | Conference | Extension & education, Local food | 2014 | URL |
Blackburn, J., Robinson, S., & Lamm, A. J. | Engine trouble? Effects of cognitive style and problem complexity on preservice agriculture teachers' ability to solve problems in agricultural mechanics. Proceedings of the American Association for Agricultural Education National Conference, Salt Lake Ci | Conference | Personality assessment, Workforce preparation | 2014 | URL |
Gouldthorpe, J. L. & Rumble, J. N. | Addressing the divide: A comparison of the needs and preferences of small farmers in Florida. Abstract presented at the annual meeting of the Rural Sociological Society, New Orleans, LA. | Conference | General agriculture | 2014 | |
Gorham, L. M., Lamm, A. J., & Rumble, J. N. | Does critical thinking style predict water conservation behaviors? Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Association for Communication Excellence in Agriculture, Natural Resources, and Life and Human Sciences, Portland, OR. | Conference | Personality assessment, Water quantity & quality | 2014 | |
Rumble, J. N. & Irani, T. A. | Talking through open barn doors: The effect of transparent communication on attitude. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Southern Association of Agricultural Scientists Agricultural Communications, Dallas, TX. | Conference | Livestock, Communications | 2014 | URL |
Gay, K. D., Rumble, J. N., & Lamm, A. J. | Sustaining rural communities: Determining effective branding for local food. Abstract presented at the annual meeting of the Southern Rural Sociological Society, Dallas, TX. | Conference | Local food | 2014 | |
Leal, A., Rumble, J. N., & Lamm, A. J. | Florida residents’ perceptions: Water quality and quantity. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Southern Association of Agricultural Scientists Agricultural Communications, Dallas, TX. | Conference | Water quantity & quality | 2014 | URL |
Holt, J. A., & Rumble, J. N. | Taking Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs to lunch: Agriculture’s role in the school lunch program. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Association for Agricultural Education Southern Region, Dallas, TX. | Conference | Local food | 2014 | |
Parker, S. J., & Lamm, A. J. | Florida residents’ exposure to non-U.S. citizens and their perceptions of immigrant agriculture workers. Paper presented at the University of Florida McNight Fellows Annual Conference, Gainesville, FL. | Conference | Labor | 2014 | |
Lamm, K. W., Lamm, A. J., & Carter, H. S. | Building rural opinion leader knowledge: Preferred learning channels and activities. [Abstract]. Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the Southern Rural Sociological Society, Dallas, TX. | Conference | Opinion leadership, Communications | 2014 | |
Owens, C. T., Lamm, A. J., & Odera, E. | A child's perspective: Impacts of school-based garden programs in underprivileged rural areas [Abstract]. Proceedings of the Southern Rural Sociological Society Annual Meeting, Dallas, TX. | Conference | Extension & education | 2014 | |
DiBenedetto, C., Odera, E. & Lamm, A. J. | Undergraduate perceptions of 21st century knowledge, skills and dispositions. Poster presented at the 2014 American Association for Agricultural Education National Conference, Salt Lake City, UT. | Conference | Labor, Workforce preparation | 2014 | |
Gay, K., Rumble, J. N. & Lamm, A. J. | An assessment of extension needs: Communication in action. Poster presented at the 2014 American Association for Agricultural Education National Conference, Salt Lake City, UT. | Conference | Extension & education, Communications | 2014 | |
Bowden, C., Lamm, A. J., & Irani, T. | The relationship between perceived government influence and water preservation behaviors of Floridian residents. Poster presented at the UF Water Symposium, Gainesville, FL. | Conference | Water quantity & quality | 2014 | |
Lamm, K. W., Lamm, A. J., & Carter, H. S. | An innovative approach to leadership development program evaluation. Poster presented at the American Association of Agricultural Education Southern Regional Meeting, Dallas, TX. | Conference | Research | 2014 | |
Lamm, K. W., Lamm, A. J., & Strickland, L. R. | Predicting participation in leadership development using goal orientation. Poster presented at the American Association of Agricultural Education Southern Regional Meeting, Dallas, TX. | Conference | Workforce preparation | 2014 | |
Odera, E., Lamm, A. J., Duryea, M., & Davis, J. | Using research experiences to foster undergraduate research skill development and STEM career choice. Poster presented at the American Association of Agricultural Education Southern Regional Meeting, Dallas, TX. | Conference | Workforce preparation | 2014 | |
Roper, C. G. & Rumble, J. N. | Understanding consumer flexibility in defining the term local. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the Southern Association of Agricultural Scientists Agricultural Communications, Dallas, TX. | Conference | Local food | 2014 | |
Ruth, T., Settle, Q. D., & Rumble, J. N. | Consumer perceptions of Florida strawberries. Poster presented at the national meeting of the American Association for Agricultural Education, Salt Lake City, UT. | Conference | Local food | 2014 | |
Gay, K. D., & Rumble, J. N. | Impact of attitude and information preference on consumer trust of state and local food brands. Poster presented at the national meeting of the American Association for Agricultural Education, Salt Lake City, UT. | Conference | Local food | 2014 | |
Qu, S., Gorham, L. M., & Rumble, J. N. | Identifying barriers in farm-to-school: Implications for communication. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the Association for Communication Excellence in Agriculture, Natural Resources, and Life and Human Sciences, Portland, OR. | Conference | Local food, Communications | 2014 | URL |
Gorham, L. M., Pounds, K. L., Rumble, J. N., & Irani, T. | Translating consumer perceptions of Gulf caught seafood into messages. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the Association for Communication Excellence in Agriculture, Natural Resources, and Life and Human Sciences, Portland, OR. | Conference | Local food | 2014 | |
Goodwin, J. N., & Shoulders, C. W. | The future of meat: A qualitative analysis of cultured meat media coverage. Meat Science, 95(3), 445-450. | Journal article | Livestock | 2013 | URL |
Lamm, A. J., Israel, G. D., & Diehl, D. | A national perspective on the current evaluation activities in Extension. Journal of Extension, 51(1). | Journal article | Extension & education, Research | 2013 | URL |
lamm, A. J., Lamm, K. W., & Strickland, L. R. | Focusing on the future: Understanding faculty intent to lead the land grant system. Jouranal of Agricultural education, 54(4), 92-103 | Journal article | Workforce preparation, Opinion leadership | 2013 | URL |
Bunch, J. C., Lamm, A. J., Israel, G. D., & Edwards, M. C. | Assessing the motications and barriers influencing undergraduate stuents' choices to participate in international experiences. Journal of Agricultural Education, 54(2), 217-231 | Journal article | Personality assessment, Workforce preparation | 2013 | URL |
Goodwin, J. N., & Gouldthorpe, J. L. | “Small” farmers, big challenges: A needs assessment of Florida small-scale farmers’ production challenges and training needs. Journal of Rural Social Sciences, 28(1), 54-79. | Journal article | General agriculture | 2013 | URL |
Lamm, A. J. & Israel, G. D. | A national examination of extension professionals' use of evaluation: Does intended use improve effort? Journal of Human Sciences and Extension, 1(1), 49-62 | Journal article | Extension & education, Research | 2013 | URL |
Odera, E., Lamm, A. J., Owens, C., Thompson, S., & Carter, L. | The impact of extension gardening programs on healthy attitudes and behaviors. Journal of Human Science and Extension, 1(2), 47-62. | Journal article | Extension & education | 2013 | URL |
Lamm, A. J., Roberts, T. G., Harder, A., Stedman, N., & Hartmann, M. | Identifying best practices for engaging faculty in international agricultural education experiences. Journal of Human Science and Extension, 1(2), 16-31 | Journal article | Extension & education, Workforce preparation | 2013 | URL |
Rumble, J. N., & Buck, E. B. | Narrowing the farm-to-plate knowledge gap through semiotics and the study of consumer responses regarding livestock images. Journal of Applied Communications, 97(3), 57-70. | Journal article | Livestock | 2013 | URL |
Settle, Q., Telg, R., Carter, H. S., & Irani, T. | Internal communication and morale in a natural resources public organization. Journal of Applied Communications, 97(3), 19-31. | Journal article | Forestry | 2013 | URL |
Lamm, A. J. | Speaking with policymakers about current issues. Florida Cooperative Extension Service Electronic Data Information Source WC152. | EDIS | Issues identification | 2013 | URL |
Odera, E., Lamm, A. J., Irani, T., Dukes, M., Carter, H., & Galindo-Gonzalez, S. | Water issues in Florida: How extension can facilitate stakeholder engagement and involvement. Florida Cooperative Extension Service Electronic Data Information Source WC151. | EDIS | Extension & education, Water quantity & quality | 2013 | URL |
Bowden, C., Lamm, A. J., Irani, T., & Galindo, S. | A cooperative agreement and the implementation of the endangered species act: How extension can facilitate stakeholder involvement and compliance. Florida Cooperative Extension Service Electronic Data Information Source WC141. | EDIS | Extension & education, Endangered & invasive species | 2013 | URL |
Felter, E. | An examination of community based social marketing strategies to increase water conservation practices by homeowners with automated irrigation systems in Central Florida (Doctoral dissertation). University of Florida. | Dissertation | Landscape irrigation | 2013 | URL |
Goodwin, J. N. | Taking down the walls of agriculture: Effect of transparent commnunication and personal relevance on attitudes and trust within the elaboration likelihood model (Doctoral dissertation). University of Florida. | Dissertation | Communications, Livestock | 2013 | URL |
Lindsey, A. B. | Crucial communication: Assessing barriers to effective communication experienced by community resource organizations (CROs) during the Deepwater Horizon (DWH) oil spill. A case study. (Doctoral dissertation). University of Florida. | Dissertation | Community resilience & preparedness | 2013 | URL |
Goodwin, J. N., Holt, J., & Irani, T. | The power of words: Exploring consumers’ perceptions of agricultural words. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Southern Association of Agricultural Scientists Agricultural Communications, Orlando, FL. | Conference | General agriculture | 2013 | URL |
Culbertson, A., Carter, H., & Lamm, A. J. | Examining self-regulated learning and problem solving style in adult leadership programs. Proceedings of the Association of Leadership Educators Annual Meeting, New Orleans, LA, 36-40. | Conference | Extension & education, Personality assessment | 2013 | URL |
Settle, Q., Lamm, A., Bowden, C., & Irani, T. | The relationship between perceived governmental influence and water-protection behaviors for Florida residents. Presentation given at the American Water Resources Association Annual Water Resources Conference, Portland, OR. | Conference | Water quantity & quality | 2013 | URL |
Carter, H. S., Lamm, A. J., & Lamm K. W. | Opinion leaders: Potential grassroots conduit to renewable energy. Poster presented at the Sustaining Economies and Natural Resources in a Changing World: Key Role of Land Grant Universities Conference, Gainesville, FL. | Conference | Issues identification, Conservation & management, Opinion leadership | 2013 | URL |
Lamm, A. J., & Settle, Q. | Public opinion of water in Florida. Poster presented at the Sustaining Economies and Natural Resources in a Changing World: Key Role of Land Grant Universities Conference, Gainesville, FL. | Conference | Water quantity & quality | 2013 | URL |
Blackburn, J., Robinson, S., & Lamm, A. J. | Assessing the effects of cognitive style and problem complexity on the problem solving ability of preservice agriculture teachers. Proceedings of the American Association for Agricultural Education Western Region Conference, Lubbock, TX. | Conference | Personality assessment | 2013 | |
Lamm, A. J., Thompson, S., Odera, E., & Carter, L. | Addressing rural issues through garden-based education: Lessons learned [Abstract]. Proceedings of the Rural Sociological Society Annual Meeting, New York, NY. | Conference | Extension & education | 2013 | |
Lamm, A. J., Carter, H., Settle, Q., & Odera, E. | The impact of problem solving style on team dynamics while consensus building around agricultural and natural resource issues. Proceedings of the American Association for Agricultural Education Southern Region Conference, Orlando, FL, 36-49. | Conference | Personality assessment, Opinion leadership | 2013 | |
Lamm, A. J., Lamm, K. W., & Strickland, L. R. | Recognizing the factors influencing faculty decisions to lead the Land Grant system into the future. Proceedings of the American Association for Agricultural Education Southern Region Conference, Orlando, FL, 8-20. | Conference | Extension & education, Workforce preparation | 2013 | |
Lamm, K. W., Lamm, A. J., & Carter, H. | Risky business? Exploring relationships between optimism, willingness to take risks and opinion leadership of critical agricultural issues. Proceedings of the American Association for Agricultural Education Southern Region Conference, Orlando, FL, 51-64. | Conference | Personality assessment, Issues identification, Opinion leadership | 2013 | |
Lamm, K. W., Lamm, A. J., & Carter, H. S. | Informing opinion leader development based on context and characteristics. Poster presented at the 2013 International Leadership Association, Montréal, Canada. | Conference | Extension & education, Opinion leadership | 2013 | |
Lamm, K. W., Lamm, A. J., & Carter, H.S. | A world of energy in the southern United States: Renewable energy perceptions of rural agricultural and natural resource (ANR) opinion leaders. Poster presented at the Rural Sociological Society Annual Meeting, New York, NY. | Conference | Issues identification, Conservation & management | 2013 | |
Lamm, A. J., & Lamm, K. W. | Impact of community leadership and agency on the success of sustainable local food systems. Poster presented at the Rural Sociological Society Annual Conference, New York, NY. | Conference | Opinion leadership, Food production & technology | 2013 | |
Thompson, S., Lamm, A. J., Carter, L., Miller, D., Odera, E., Whitehead, C., Miller, A., & Jackson, A. | FAMU Red Clay garden project: Best practices 2009-2012. Poster presented at the CYFERNet Annual Conference, Washington, D.C. | Conference | Extension & education | 2013 | |
Culbertson, A., Boudreaux, A., Carter, H., & Lamm, A. J. | The self-identification of opinion leaders in an agricultural leadership program [Abstract]. Poster presented at the American Association for Agricultural Education Southern Conference, Orlando, FL. | Conference | Opinion leadership, Extension & education | 2013 | |
Lamm, K. W., Lamm, A. J., & Carter, H. S. | Southeast agriculture and natural resource opinion leader perceptions of renewable energy [Abstract]. Poster presented at the 2013 SEC Renewable Energy Symposium, Atlanta, GA. | Conference | Issues identification, Opinion leadership | 2013 | |
Odera, E., Lamm, A. J., & Israel, G. D. | Promoting rural business through digital technology: The case of the national e-Commerce extension initiative [Abstract]. Poster presented at the Annual Conference of the Southern Rural Sociological Association, Orlando, FL. | Conference | Extension & education, Communications | 2013 | |
Goodwin, J. N., Parker, S. J., Irani, T., & Wulff, G. | Gain and loss frames: Exploring consumers’ perceptions of agricultural messages. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the Southern Association of Agricultural Scientists Agricultural Communications, Orlando, FL. | Conference | Communications | 2013 | |
Israel, G. D., & Lamm, A. J. | Item nonresponse in a clent survey of the general public. Survey Practice, April. | Journal article | Research | 2012 | URL |
Israel, G. D., Myers, B., Lamm, A. J., & Galindo-Gonzalez, S. | CTE impact on science achievement: Does level of involvement and specialization matter? Career and Technical Education Research Journal, 37(1), 3-20 | Journal article | Extension & education, Workforce preparation | 2012 | URL |
Lamm, A. J., Israel, G. D., & Irani, T. | Agricultural education abroad: Keeping collaborative course efforts on the right track using formative evaluation. Journal of Southern Agricultural Education Research, 62. | Journal article | Extension & education, Research, Workforce preparation | 2012 | URL |
Harder, A. Lamm, A., Roberts, T. G., Navarro, M., & Ricketts, J. | Using a preflective activity to identify faculty beliefs prior to an international professional development experience. Journal of Agricultural Education, 53(4), 17-28 | Journal article | Extension & education, Labor | 2012 | URL |
Lamm, A. J., Shoulders, C., Roberts, T. G., Irani, T., Unruh Snyder, L. & Brendemuhl, J. | The influence of cognitive diversity on group problem solving strategy. Journal of Agricultural Education 53(1) | Journal article | Personality assessment, Workforce preparation | 2012 | URL |
Settle, Q., Goodwin, J. N., Telg, R., Irani, T., Carter, H. S., & Wysocki, A. | Brand salience and brand differentiation of the Florida Forest Service. Journal of Applied Communications, 96(3), 11-25. | Journal article | Forestry | 2012 | URL |
Harder, A., Lamm, A. J., & Galindo, S. | Finding grant opportunities to support county extension programs. Florida Cooperative Extension Service Electronic Data Information Source WC134. | EDIS | Extension & education, Research | 2012 | URL |
Bowden, C., Lamm, A. J., Carter, H., Irani, T., & Galindo, S. | Reconciling immigration and agricultural labor concerns for a sustainable economy. Florida Cooperative Extension Service Electronic Data Information Source WC132. | EDIS | Labor | 2012 | URL |
Settle, Q. | Florida residents' perceptions of the Florida Forest Service brand (Doctoral dissertation). University of Florida. | Dissertation | Forestry | 2012 | URL |
Goodwin, J. N., Davis, A., & Telg, R. W. | Communication audits: Adding value and social impact to agricultural communications. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Southern Association of Agricultural Scientists Agricultural Communications, Birmingham, AL. | Conference | Research, Communications | 2012 | URL |
Goodwin, J. N., & Shoulders, C. W. | The future of meat: A qualitative framing analysis of cultured meat media coverage. Paper presented at the national meeting of the American Association for Agricultural Education, Asheville, NC. | Conference | Livestock | 2012 | URL |
Lamm, A. J., & Israel, G. D. | How perception of evaluation use improves accountability efforts: A national view. Proceedings of the annual conference of the American Association for Agricultural Education, 39, 45, Ashville, NC. | Conference | Extension & education, Research | 2012 | URL |
Goodwin, J. N., Settle, Q., & Irani, T. | Is this effective? A content analysis of online agricultural awareness campaigns. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Association for Communication Excellence in Agriculture, Natural Resources, and Life and Human Sciences, Annapolis, MD. | Conference | General agriculture | 2012 | |
Settle, Q., Goodwin, J., Telg, R., Irani, T., Carter, H., & Wysocki, A. | Brand salience and brand differentiation of the Florida Forest Service. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Association for Communication Excellence in Agriculture, Natural Resources, and Life and Human Sciences, Annapolis, MD. | Conference | Forestry | 2012 | |
Gouldthorpe, J. L., & Goodwin, J. N. | “Small” farmers, big challenges: A needs assessment of Florida small farmers’ production challenges and training needs. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Southern Rural Sociological Society, Birmingham, AL. | Conference | General agriculture | 2012 | |
Craig, D., & Lamm, A. J. | Return on investment: Using evaluation data to gain policy makers’ support for Extension [Abstract]. Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the American Evaluation Association, Minneapolis, MN. | Conference | Research, Extension & education | 2012 | |
Lamm, A. J., & Craig, D. | From evaluation to action: Building strategic and agile issue-based Extension teams [Abstract]. Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the American Evaluation Association, Minneapolis, MN. | Conference | Extension & education | 2012 | |
Lamm, A. J., & Craig, D. | Evaluating stakeholder needs in the Extension strategic planning process: A Delphi approach [Abstract]. Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the American Evaluation Association, Minneapolis, MN. | Conference | Extension & education, Research, Issues identification | 2012 | |
Carter, H., & Lamm, A. J. | The impact of opinion leaders’ problem solving style on agenda setting: Innovations in adult leadership programming. Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the American Leadership Association, 302-312. Key West, FL. | Conference | Personality assessment, Issues identification, Opinion leadership | 2012 | |
Settle, Q., Irani, T., Baker, L. M., Lamm, A., Carter, H., & Divine, R. | Connecting the pieces: Understanding the public policy opinions of consumers, agricultural leaders, and agricultural producers. Workshop presented at the Association for Communication Excellence in Agriculture, Natural Resources, and Life and Human Sciences Conference, Annapolis, MD. | Conference | Opinion leadership, Issues identification | 2012 | |
Lamm, A., & Thompson, S. | Growing the future: Developing garden-based education in rural communities. Poster presented at the Rural Sociological Society Annual Conference, Chicago, IL. | Conference | Extension & education, Workforce preparation | 2012 | |
Culbertson, A., Lamm, A. J., & Carter, H. S. | The relationship between self-regulated learning and problem solving style in participants of an agricultural leadership program. Poster presented at the North American Colleges and Teachers of Agriculture Conference. River Falls, WI. | Conference | Extension & education, Personality assessment, Opinion leadership | 2012 | |
Bernheim, L., Lamm, A., & Irani, T. | Conversation starters: Helping extension professionals incorporate public policy. Poster presented at the American Association for Agricultural Education National Research Conference, Asheville, NC. | Conference | Extension & education | 2012 | |
Settle, Q., Irani, T., Lamm, A., Carter, H., & Divine, R. | Gauging perceptions of public policy in agricultural and natural resources. Poster presented at the American Association for Agricultural Education National Research Conference, Asheville, NC. | Conference | Issues identification | 2012 | |
Israel, G. D., & Lamm, A. | Item Non-Response in Client Surveys [Abstract]. Poster presented at the Annual Conference of the Southern Rural Sociological Association, Birmingham, AL. | Conference | Research | 2012 | |
Goodwin, J. N., Gouldthorpe, J. L., & Settle, Q. | Addressing the divide: A comparison of the needs and preferences of small farmers. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the Southern Rural Sociological Society, Birmingham, AL. | Conference | General agriculture | 2012 | |
Cublertson, A., Carter, H., & Goodwin, J. N. | Pictures that speak a thousand words: The use of photo journaling as a reflection tool in agricultural leadership programs. Poster presented at the national meeting of the American Association for Agricultural Education, Asheville, NC. | Conference | Communications | 2012 | |
Settle, Q., Baker, L. M., Goodwin, J. N., & Irani, T. | Empirically testing recruitment materials. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the North American Colleges and Teachers of Agriculture Conference, River Falls, WI. | Conference | Workforce Preparation | 2012 | |
Harder, A., Lamm, A. J., Linder, J. & Ganpat, W. | An examination of Trinidadian extension officers' behavioral beliefs and intent to participate in an international extension experience. Journal of International Agricultural and Extension Education 18(3), 22-34. | Journal article | Extension & education, Workforce preparation | 2011 | URL |
Lamm, A. J. Harder, A. Irani, T., Roberts, T. G., & Unruh Snyder, L. | Developing strong international agricultural education programs by understanding cognition. Journal of International Agricultural Educaiton, 52(4), 136-149, 44-55. | Journal article | Extension & education, Personality assessment | 2011 | URL |
Unruh Snyder, L., Lamm, A. J., Brendemuhl, J., Irani, T., Roberts, T. G., Rodriguez, M. T. & Navarro, J. | Enhancing cultural awareness through an agricultural sustainability course in Costa Rica. Journal of Natural Resources and Life Sciences Education, 40, 191-198. | Journal article | Extension & education, Workforce preparation | 2011 | URL |
Lamm, A. J., & Israel, G. D. | An organizational approach to understanding evaluation in Extension. Journal of Agricultural Education, 52(4), 44-55. | Journal article | Extension & education, Research | 2011 | URL |
Lamm, A. J., Israel, G. D., & Harder, A. | Getting to the bottom line: How using evaluation results to enhance extension programs can lead to greater levels of accountability. Journal of Agricultural Education, 52(4), 44-55. | Journal article | Extension & education, Research | 2011 | URL |
Lamm, A. J., Cannon, K. J., Roberts, T. G., Irani, T., Unruh Snyder, L., Brendemuhl, J., & Rodriguez, M. T. | An exploration of reflection: Expression of learning style in an international experiential learning context. Journal of Agricultural Education, 52(3), 122-135. | Journal article | Extension & education, Personality assessment | 2011 | URL |
Nistler, D., Lamm, A. J., & Stedman, N. | Evaluating the influences on extension professionals' engagement in leadership roles. Journal of Agricultural Education, 52(3), 110-121. | Journal article | Extension & education, opinion leaderhsip | 2011 | URL |
Lamm, A. J., Rhoades, E., Irani, T., Roberts, T. G., Snyder, L., & Brendemuhl, J. | Utilizing natural cognitive tendencies to enhance agricultural education programs. Journal of Agricultural Education, 52(2), 12-23. | Journal article | Extension & education, Personality assessment | 2011 | URL |
Goodwin, J. N., Chiarelli, C., & Irani, T. | Is perception reality? Improving agricultural messages by discovering how consumers perceive messages. Journal of Applied Communications, 95(3), 21-33. | Journal article | General agriculture | 2011 | URL |
Goodwin, J. N., & Rhoades, E. B. | Agricultural legislation: The presence of California proposition 2 on YouTube. Journal of Applied Communications, 95(1), 22-35. | Journal article | Livestock | 2011 | URL |
Lamm, A. J., Harder, A., Israel, G. D., & Diehl, D. | Team-based evaluation of extension programs. Florida Cooperative Extension Service Electronic Data Information Source WC118. | EDIS | Extension & education | 2011 | URL |
Lamm, A. J., Israel, G. D., Diehl, D., & Harder, A. | Evaluating extension programs. Florida Cooperative Extension Service Electronic Data Information Source WC109. | EDIS | Extension & education, Research | 2011 | URL |
Brennan, M. A., Bruening, T. H., Olson, B. L., Israel, G. D., & Lamm, A. J | Impact of short-term study abroad in colleges of agriculture [Abstract]. Proceedings of the Association for International Agricultural and Extension Education International Research Conference, 27, 72, Windhoek, Namibia. | Conference | Extension & education, Workforce preparation | 2011 | URL |
Bunch, J. C., Lamm, A. J., Israel, G. D., & Edwards, M. C. | Examining the barriers and motivations influencing undergraduate students’ choices to participate in international experiences: A comparison of two universities [Abstract]. Proceedings of the Association for International Agricultural and Extension Educat | Conference | Extension & education, Workforce preparation | 2011 | URL |
Harder, A., Lamm, A. J., Ganpat, W., & Lindner, J. R. | Attitude toward travel destinations among extension officers in Trinidad, W.I. and perceived barriers to participation in an international extension experience [Abstract]. Proceedings of the Association for International Agricultural and Extension Educati | Conference | Extension & education, Workforce preparation | 2011 | URL |
Lamm, A. J., Harder, A., Irani, T., Roberts, T. G., Snyder, L., & Brendemuhl, J. | Developing strong international agricultural education programs by understanding cognition [Abstract]. Proceedings of the Association for International Agricultural and Extension Education International Research Conference, 27, 73. Windhoek, Namibia. | Conference | Extension & education, Personality assessment | 2011 | URL |
Lamm, A. J., Roberts, T. G., Harder, A., Stedman, N. & Hartmann, M. | Adding value to U.S. academia by identifying best practices for engaging faculty in international experiences [Abstract]. Proceedings of the Association for International Agricultural and Extension Education International Research Conference, 27, 63. Wind | Conference | Extension & education, Workforce preparation | 2011 | URL |
Mazurkewicz, M., Lamm, A. J., Irani, T., Roberts, T. G., Sndyer, L., & Brendemuhl, J. | A semiotic analysis of experiential learning in an international context using undergraduate students’ reflective photo-journals [Abstract]. Proceedings of the Association for International Agricultural and Extension Education International Research Confe | Conference | Extension & education, Workforce preparation | 2011 | URL |
Unruh Snyder, L., Lamm, A. J., Brendemuhl, J., Irani, T., Roberts, T. G., Rodriguez, M. T., & Navarro, J. | Transformative learning experiences reported by faculty creating and teaching agricultural sustainability for study abroad [Abstract]. Proceedings of the Association for International Agricultural and Extension Education International Research Conference, | Conference | Extension & education, Workforce preparation | 2011 | URL |
Goodwin, J. N., & Rhoades, E. B. | Narrowing the farm-to-plate knowledge gap through semiotics and the study of consumer responses regarding livestock images. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Southern Association of Agricultural Scientists Agricultural Communications, Corpus Ch | Conference | Livestock | 2011 | URL |
Israel, G. D., & Lamm, A. J. | Item non-response in a client survey of the general public. Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the American Association of Public Opinion Research, Phoenix, AZ. | Conference | Research | 2011 | URL |
Lamm, A. J., & Israel, G.D. | Understanding evaluation in Extension: An organizational approach. Proceedings of the annual conference of the American Association for Agricultural Education, 38, 18 - 33. Coeur d’Alene, ID. | Conference | Research, Extension & education | 2011 | URL |
Lamm, A. J., Shoulders, C., Roberts, T. G., Irani, T., Snyder, L., & Brendemuhl, J. | Identifying how cognitive diversity influences group problem solving ability. Proceedings of the annual conference of the American Association for Agricultural Education, 38, 403 - 417. Coeur d’Alene, ID. | Conference | Personality assessment, workforce preparation | 2011 | URL |
Strickland, R., Carter, H., & Lamm, A. | Predicting leadership behaviors: Attitudes, perceived behavioral control and subjective norms among participants of agricultural leadership development programs. Proceedings of the annual conference of the American Association for Agricultural Education, | Conference | Personality assessment, Opinion leadership | 2011 | URL |
Settle, Q., Goodwin, J., Telg, R., Irani, T., & Emerson, C. | Factors affecting the adoption of social media into college of agriculture development offices. Paper presented at the meeting of North American Colleges and Teachers of Agriculture, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. | Conference | Communications | 2011 | |
Goodwin, J. N., Chiarelli, C., & Irani, T. | Is perception reality? Improving agricultural messages by discovering how consumers perceive messages. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Association for Communication Excellence in Agriculture, Natural Resources, and Life and Human Sciences, Denver, CO. | Conference | General agriculture | 2011 | |
Lamm, A. J., & Israel, G. D. | Understanding the practice of evaluation in Extension: Test of a causal model [Abstract]. Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the American Evaluation Association, Anaheim, CA. | Conference | Research, Extension & education | 2011 | |
Lamm, A. J., Shoulders, C., Roberts, T. G., Irani, T., Snyder, L. & Brendemuhl, J. | Does cognitive diversity in groups really enhance application? Proceedings of the Southern Region Conference of the American Association for Agricultural Education, 61. | Conference | Personality assessment, Workforce preparation | 2011 | |
Lamm, A. J., Israel, G. D., & Harder. A. | Refocusing evaluation efforts: Evaluating extension programs for use can enhance accountability efforts. Proceedings of the Southern Region Conference of the American Association for Agricultural Education, 61. | Conference | Extension & education | 2011 | |
Mazurkewicz, M., Lamm, A., Irani, T., Roberts, G. T., Unruh Snyder, L., & Brendemuhl, J. | Experiential learning in the tropics: Students explore the tastes and smells of entrepreneurship education [Abstract]. Retrieved from 2015 Association for Agricultural and Extension Education Southern Region Meeting, Atlanta, GA. | Conference | Extension & education, Workforce preparation | 2011 | |
Lamm, A., & Harder, A. | Don’t drink the water: Recognizing the fears associated with international extension work. Journal of International Agricultural and Extension Education, 17(3), 31-41. | Journal article | Extension & education, Labor, Workforce preparation | 2010 | URL |
Lamm, A. | The latest on utilization-focused evaluation. Journal of Extension, 48(3). | Journal article | Research | 2010 | URL |
Harder, A., Lamm, A., & Vergot, P. | Explore your world: Professional development in an international context. Journal of Extension, 48(2). | Journal article | Extension & education, Labor | 2010 | URL |
Lamm, A. J., Israel, G.D., & Irani, T. | A case study from Costa Rica: Using formative evaluation to enhance program implementation. Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the Association for International Agricultural and Extension Education, 26, 62-63. | Conference | Research, Extension & education, Workforce preparation | 2010 | URL |
Goodwin, J. N., & Rhoades, E. B. | Animal rights vs. animal welfare: Is society able to distinguish the difference and make informed decisions on animal care legislation? Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Southern Association of Agricultural Scientists Agricultural Communication | Conference | Livestock | 2010 | URL |
Lamm, A. J., Israel, G. D., & Irani, T. | Organizational impacts of extension state systems on evaluation practice in the field [Abstract]. Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the American Evaluation Association, San Antonio, TX. | Conference | Extension & education, Research | 2010 | |
Israel, G. D., Lamm, A. J., Myers, B. E., & Littell, R. C. | Rural location effects on high school science achievement [Abstract]. Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the Rural Sociological Society. Atlanta, GA. | Conference | Extension & education, Workforce preparation | 2010 | |
Lamm, A. J., Nistler, D., & Stedman, N. | Identifying the influencing factors affecting professional volunteer leadership in extension. Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the Association of Leadership Educators, 20. | Conference | Extension & education, Personality assessment | 2010 | |
Nistler, D., Lamm, A. J., & Stedman, N. | Evaluating the influences of extension professionals’ engagement in leadership roles. Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the American Association for Agricultural Education, 37, 128-140. | Conference | Extension & education | 2010 | |
Cannon, K. J., & Lamm, A. J. | Understanding the media consumption habits of college students: A comparison of use between agricultural and non-agricultural majors. Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the American Association for Agricultural Education, 37, 455-467. | Conference | Extension & education, Communications, Workforce preparation | 2010 | |
Lamm, A. J., Irani, T., Roberts, T. G., Snyder, L., & Brendemuhl, J. | Evaluating cognitive relationships: Identifying how critical thinking, problem solving, and learning styles relate in agricultural education. Proceedings of the Southern Region Conference of the American Association for Agricultural Education, 60, 390-404. | Conference | Extension & education, Personality assessment | 2010 | |
Lamm, A. J., Israel, G.D., Myers, B., & Galindo, S. | Rural location effects on student science achievement [Abstract]. Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the Southern Rural Sociological Association, Orlando, FL, 42-43. | Conference | Extension & education, Workforce preparation | 2010 | |
Lamm, A. J., Nistler, D., & Stedman, N. | Who leads the leaders? Identifying the influencing factors associated with members decisions regarding leadership roles in NAE4-HA [Abstract]. Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the National Association of Extension 4-H Agents, 64. | Conference | Extension & education | 2010 | |
Nistler, D., Lamm, A. J., & Stedman, N. | Stepping up to lead: Exploring why Extension professionals engage in leadership [Abstract]. Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the National Association of Extension 4-H Agents, 64. | Conference | Extension & education, Opinion leaderhsip | 2010 | |
Snyder, L., Lamm, A. J., Brendemuhl, J., Irani, T., Roberts, T. G., Rodriguez, M., & Navarro, J. | Impact of planning agricultural study abroad courses on faculty globalization. [Abstract]. Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the National Association of College Teachers in Agriculture. | Conference | Extension & education, Workforce preparation | 2010 | |
Snyder, L., Lamm, A. J., Brendemuhl, J., Irani, T., Roberts, T. G., Rodriguez, M., & Navarro, J. | Do agricultural courses abroad really influence student global engagement? [Abstract]. Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the National Association of College Teachers in Agriculture. | Conference | Extension & education, Workforce preparation | 2010 | |
Lamm, A., Strickland, R., & Irani, T. | How are students thinking critically? Measuring the difference between seeking information and engagement [Abstract]. Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the American Association of Agricultural Education, 37. | Conference | Personality assessment, Workforce preparation | 2010 | |
Cannon, K. C., Lamm, A. J., & Thoron, A. C. | Mentoring “quick starter” graduate students [Abstract]. Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the American Association of Agricultural Education, 37. | Conference | Extension & education | 2010 | |
Lamm, A., Harder, A., & Irani, T. | Viva colaboración: Using mentoring to enhance international agricultural learning programs [Abstract]. Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the Association for International Agriculture and Extension Education, 26, 86. | Conference | Extension & education, Workforce preparation | 2010 | |
Mazurkewicz, M., Lamm, A., Harder, A., & Carter, H. | Integrated research-based knowledge objects into academic program evaluation [Abstract]. Proceedings of the Southern Region Conference of the American Association for Agricultural Education, 60. | Conference | Research | 2010 | |
Allen, M., Lindsey, A. B., Telg, R., & Honeycutt, S. G. | Ecological and economic impacts of land use and climate change on coastal food webs & fisheries [Workshop]. Community Meeting, National Academies of Science (NAS). | Presentation | Climate, Coastal Ecosystems | 2021 | |
Baker, L., Chiarelli, C., Rampold, S., McLeod-Morin, A., & Lindsey, A. | Communication in a pandemic: Concerns of agricultural and natural resources opinion leaders during early stages of the COVID-19 pandemic. Advancements in Agricultural Development, 2(3), 72-82. | Journal article | COVID-19, Communications | 2021 | |
Bowden, Z.B., Telg, R.W., & Lundy, L.K. | Characteristics and motivational factors of American equine journalists. Journal of Applied Communications, 106(1). | Journal article | Communications, Livestock | 2022 | |
De Sormeaux, A., Rampold, S., & Telg, R. | Growing grassroots: Examining policy perceptions and engagement among members of Florida agricultural organizations. Journal of Agricultural Education, 62(3), 217-231. | Journal article | Policy | 2021 | |
Kandzer, M., Castano, V., Baker, L., & McLeod-Morin, A. | Framing Friction: A Content Analysis Investigating How the CDC Framed Social Media Communication with Public During the COVID-19 Pandemic. Journal of Applied Communications, 106(1). | Journal article | COVID-19, Communications | 2022 | |
Lindsey, A. B. | Developing and delivering effective conference presentations [Workshop]. University of Maine. Virtual. | Presentation | Communications | 2021 | |
Lindsey, A. B. | Preparing for the worst and hoping for the best: Disaster resources with FL EDEN and UF/IFAS Extension[Workshop]. Agricultural Disaster Risk Management with the Caribbean Agricultural Extension Providers’ Network (CAEPNet). Regional Webinar. | Presentation | Disasters, Communications, Extension | 2022 | |
Lundy, L., Aenlle, J., Telg, R., Lindsey, A., McLeod-Morin, A., Kandzer, M., & Stokes. P. | An introduction to utilizing community leaders to expand resiliency efforts following a disaster. University of Florida Cooperative Extension Service Publication Series (AEC721). Gainesville, FL. | Presentation | Disasters, Extension | 2021 | |
McLeod-Morin, A., Rumble, J. N., & Telg, R. W. | Challenges and Motivations of Science Communication: An administrative perspective at land-grant universities. Journal of Applied Communications, 105(3). | Journal article | Science Communication | 2021 | |
Swatek, C. M., Lindsey, A. B., & Jones, J. | Fundraiser turnover in higher education capital campaigns: Employment fluctuations by campaign phase. Journal of Philanthropy and Marketing, e1727. | Journal article | Nonprofit Organizations | 2021 | |
Warwick, C.R., Rampold, S.D., Randolph, L., & Telg, R.W. | Examining communication between Florida agriculture and natural resource organization leaders and membership to foster policy engagement. Journal of Agricultural Education, 62(4), 81-96. | Journal article | Natural Resources, Communication | 2021 | |
Authors | Title | Type | Issue | Year |
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