352-273-2598 ashleynmcleod@ufl.edu

Partner Programs

Prevent & Protect

Prevent & Protect provides science-based information about mosquito management and mosquito-borne illnesses.


A generator and source of knowledge about new-media marketing for rural and agriculture-based businesses and organizations.

Extension Disaster Education Network (EDEN)
The Extension Disaster Education Network (EDEN) is a collaborative multi-state effort by Cooperative Extension Services across the country to improve the delivery of services to citizens affected by disasters. EDEN’s mission is to reduce the impact of disasters through research-based education.
Southeastern Coastal Center for Agricultural Health & Safety
SCCAHS explores and addresses the occupational safety and health needs of people working in agriculture, fishing, and forestry in Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina, the U.S. Virgin Islands, and Puerto Rico.
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