352-273-2598 ashleynmcleod@ufl.edu

PIE Academy

What is PIE Academy?

The PIE Center’s professional development education component, PIE Academy, is a suite of online courses developed to strengthen the capacity of professionals in the agriculture and natural resources (ANR) sectors so they are better equipped to accomplish the desired outcomes of their work. Learn more about PIE Academy course offerings below and subscribe to our mailing list to learn about future courses. 



100% Online

Courses are offered in an asynchronous, virtual format.

Useful Topics

While content focuses on ANR issues, topics are applicable to other fields.


Work at your own pace.

Open to Everyone

Registration is open to all individuals who are interested.

For Extension

UF/IFAS Extension encompasses hundreds of Extension faculty members, scientists, educators, administrative staff, and volunteers, all working to provide solutions for your life. The PIE Academy courses are designed with Extension audiences in mind.

For ANR Professionals

Agriculture and natural resources (ANR) professionals are part of a highly technical and ever-changing sector upon which everyone is dependent.  PIE Academy courses provide education to our stakeholders to meet workforce needs now and in the future.

For Other Sectors

While PIE Academy courses are designed for the ANR sector, courses may be applicable to your career and the work you do. Learn more about current course offerings below.


Disaster Assessment for Production Agriculture

This course is an online training about understanding the agricultural assets at risk during extreme weather events and assessing the impacts of disasters. You will learn methods for estimating impacts and how to communicate the impacts once you’ve completed an assessment.

Disaster Management and Communication for Agriculture and Natural Resources

This course focuses on effectively communicating about disasters and managing impacts in order to increase disaster resilience in ANR. You will learn how to create messages for key audiences, develop a plan in response to a disaster and access helpful resources during response and recovery.