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Evaluating extension based leadership development programs in the Southern United States

Publish Date: 2016
Lamm, K. W., Carter, H. S., & Lamm, A. J. (2016). Evaluating extension based leadership development programs in the Southern United States. Journal of Agricultural Education, 57(1), 121-136. https://doi.org/10.5032/jae.2016.01121
Author(s): Lamm, K. W., Carter, H. S., & Lamm, A. J.

The ability to evaluate and accurately articulate the outcomes associated with leadership development programs is critical to their continued financial and administrative support. With calls for outcome-based accountability, the need for rigorous evaluation is particularly relevant for those programs administered through the Cooperative Extension Service (CES). Using Bandura’s (1977) Social Learning Theory, a robust evaluation of agricultural leadership development programs administered through the CES in the southern region of the United States was conducted. Several key findings are examined, specifically: program participant demographics match parity requirements for CES programming; program participants are highly satisfied with their program experience; and program participants have held a large number of leadership roles within their communities and industries.

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