352-273-2598 ashleynmcleod@ufl.edu

podcast resources

The Science by the Slice podcast aims to inform diverse audiences about important issues in agriculture, natural resources and public health. Educational materials were created to be used alongside the podcast, promoting a deeper understanding of the topics discussed in each episode. Resources include a comprehensive podcast workbook and individual learning guides. Learn more about the free educational resources below.

Podcast Workbook

Bring Science by the Slice into your classroom with the Season One Workbook! Backed by Next Generation Science Standards, this tool serves as an interactive learning experience to accompany podcast episodes. Digital and printable versions of the workbook are available to download below.

Full color workbook

Grayscale Workbook

Science by the Slice Learning Guides

Learning guides are free resources intended to help podcast listeners think critically and apply Science by the Slice topics to their everyday lives. Each learning guide includes key take-aways from the episode, helpful tips from the speakers, discussion prompts and links to additional resources. Explore Science by the Slice topics below to download learning guides.


Aquaculture in Florida and Beyond

As the global population surges towards the 10 billion mark, the challenge of meeting the escalating food demands sustainably is an ever-pressing concern. In this episode of Science by the Slice, Dr. Ken Riley from NOAA Fisheries, Office of Aquaculture shares how aquaculture is a growing industry in the U.S. and many other parts of the world, to meet these needs of rising food demands. Dr. Riley shares from his vast experience, spanning industry, academia, and nonprofit work, to discuss aquaculture, where the breeding, rearing, and harvesting of fish, shellfish, and aquatic plants could be one component to our future food security. This episode also covers the environmental implications of aquaculture, examining the challenges of working with different climate conditions and the importance of technology in improving efficiency.

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Tick Talk

Ticks are often brushed off as a seasonal nuisance, but our latest episode of Science by the Slice, “Tick Talk,” challenges our assumptions and sheds light on the vital importance of public education. Learn from Dr. Lauri Baker and Cheng-Xian Yang as they share research on public perceptions and behaviors related to ticks and linkages between outdoor activities and tick-borne illness risks, such as meat allergies and Lyme disease. This emphasizes the need for education and preparation, especially for those engaging in activities like hunting or visiting agricultural properties. Moreover, the conversation reveals how the analysis of online searches and social media trends can provide valuable insights into public perception and behavior toward ticks for enhancing risk communication and educating the public on tick prevention. This episode highlights social science research conducted in partnership with the Southeastern Center of Excellence in Vector-Borne Diseases, a CDC-funded Center that works to prevent and control vector-borne disease threats.

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Protecting Wild Spaces

While the cities of Florida are a bustling hub of commerce and culture, nestled between them lie areas of breathtaking natural beauty, teeming with diverse ecosystems. One organization at the forefront of efforts to protect and connect these valuable spaces is the Florida Wildlife Corridor Foundation, represented by Alex Freeze, their Corridor Collaboration Teams Facilitator. In a world where environmental issues often take a somber tone, listen to this episode to hear Alex share her optimism and dedication toward protecting and conserving wild Florida.

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Pets and Hurricanes

When disaster strikes, it can feel hectic trying to ensure the safety of our loved ones. But often, in the rush and chaos, our pets can be overlooked. In our latest podcast episode, Dr. Lawrence Garcia, Clinical Assistant Professor in Shelter Medicine at the University of Florida, discusses the importance of including pets in our disaster plans. Dr. Garcia illuminates practical steps families can take to ensure their furry friends are safe during emergencies. So, if you’re a pet owner wondering how to keep your pets safe during a disaster, this podcast episode is a must-listen. After all, they are part of our family too, and their safety should never be an afterthought.

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In this episode, Dr. Lauri Baker, co-founder of the Center for Rural Enterprise Engagement, highlights the importance of having a robust cybersecurity plan, educating yourself and your employees, and investing in the right tools to protect your electronic data at home or work. Discover best practices for staying safe in today’s digital landscape and learn about malware protection and cloud storage solutions to safeguard your valuable data and maintain customer trust.

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Residential Landscapes

A single tree in your yard can remove up to 26 pounds of CO2 from the air. This is the equivalent of removing emissions from a vehicle that travels 11,000 miles per year. In this episode, we explore the value of residential landscapes and the numerous benefits they provide. Hear from two guests in this episode as they share their expertise and knowledge related to planting the right plant in the right place, tips for irrigation, and the importance of our home landscaping.

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Invasive Burmese Python in Florida

Pythons are an invasive species in Florida and present a threat to native mammal species. With an average of 22 to 84 eggs per clutch, the python population is thriving, but what can be done? In this episode of Science by the Slice, you will hear from, Paul Evans, a science writer and Outreach Coordinator for the University of Florida’s Fort Lauderdale Research and Education Center. He is also a researcher with the University of Florida’s “Croc Docs.” Listen to this episode to learn more about invasive pythons in Florida.

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Leadership Development in Agriculture and Natural Resources

In this series, you will hear from two guest speakers that represent two different leadership institutes that help to develop leaders. Our guest speakers share their expertise and knowledge related to leadership in the field of agriculture and natural resources. Hear from Christy Chiarelli, Director of the Wedgeworth Leadership Institute (WLI), and Jonathan Dain, Director of the Natural Resources Leadership Institute (NRLI) as they discuss how leadership qualities are developed and refined.

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Agriculture and Food Research Initiative (AFRI) Project

Throughout the pandemic, supply chain disruptions became the rationale for so many consumer misfortunes, and to a consumer, supply chain disruptions may look like empty shelves, but what does it look like to a producer or farmer? Workforce safety, lockdown policies, financial assistance, burnout and exhaustion, and emergency food dispersal were just some of the challenges that farmers, wholesalers, and retailers had to manage in a short amount of time. This research and outreach project was supported by the Agriculture and Food Research Initiative (AFRI) from the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) National Institute of Food and Agriculture (NIFA).

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Agricultural Health and Safety

Agriculture is one of the most hazardous industries in the United States. Nationally, the fatality rate for farmers and ranchers is nearly seven times the average rate of all workers. Listen to this series as we explore agricultural health and safety with speakers from CDC/NIOSH Centers for Agricultural Safety and Health, the Farmworker Association of Florida, and the UF Center for Environmental and Human Toxicology.

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Nutrition is a critical element of our overall health and development. It is a cornerstone that promotes a long and healthy life. In this series focused on nutrition, listeners will hear from two Registered Dietitian Nutritionists (RDNs) as they share the role that food plays in our bodies, our communities, and ultimately, in our lives. You will hear from Karla Shelnutt, associate professor in the Department of Family, Youth and Community Sciences at the University of Florida and Extension Nutrition Specialist, and Melissa Joy Dobbins–also known as the Guilt-Free RD–a licensed RDN and the CEO and host of the Sound Bites Podcast.

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Environmental Contaminants

It’s been long known that human activities can have lasting impacts on the natural environment, ranging from soil and water quality to ecosystem functioning. In this series of Science by the Slice, we’re exploring environmental contaminants and the threats they pose to life on Earth. In this series you will hear from Dr. Lindsey Reisinger, a freshwater community ecologist from the University of Florida (UF), Dr. A.J. Reisinger, an urban ecologist from UF, and Lara Milligan, the Natural Resources Agent for UF/IFAS Extension in Pinellas County.

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Understanding Substance Misuse in Agriculture

Farmers in the United States have increasingly demanding and stressful jobs. Many times, the stressors faced by those in the agricultural industry can lead to significant behavioral and health issues. In this series we will hear from esteemed faculty members and researchers from the University of Nebraska Omaha and the University of Florida as they help us understand substance misuse in the agricultural industry. You will hear from Christine Chasek, Associate Professor and Chair of the Counseling Department at the University of Nebraska Omaha and Associate Workforce Director of the Behavioral Healthcare Center of Nebraska, and Heidi Radunovich, Associate Professor in the Department of Family, Youth and Community Sciences at the University of Florida and licensed psychologist.

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Honey Bees, Beekeeping & Honey Production

Without honey bees, many of the crops we enjoy today, like seedless watermelons and avocados, would not exist. In this series we will take a peek BEE-hind the scenes at honey bee research, beekeeping basics, and honey production. You will hear from Jamie Ellis, professor of entomology in the Department of Entomology and Nematology at the University of Florida, Lauren Roberts, public engagement technician at the UF/IFAS Honey Bee Research and Extension Lab, and the owners of Thomas Honey, Mike Thomas, and his granddaughter Kortney Stewart.

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Diversity, Equity & Inclusion

During some of the most contentious fighting of the of the Civil War, Congress passed an innovative piece of legislation that reshaped the way Americans thought about higher education. In this episode University of Florida historian Carl Van Ness shares the history of land-grant universities, the purpose they were formed to serve, and how the University of Florida was established in this way. We also hear from Andra Johnson, dean of UF/IFAS Extension, as he discusses his experiences working and studying at land-grant universities and some of the changes that have taken place throughout his life in the field of extension.

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In this series of Science by the Slice, a podcast by the UF/IFAS Center for Public Issues Education in Agriculture and Natural Resources (PIE Center), guests will educate listeners about agritourism. You’ll hear from Joy Rumble, assistant professor of agricultural education, communication, and leadership at The Ohio State University, and Jeff Manley, director of agritourism operations at H&A Farms and Red, White, and Blues Farm.

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Science Communication

In this series of Science by the Slice, a podcast by the UF/IFAS Center for Public Issues Education in Agriculture and Natural Resources (PIE Center), experts will break down the topic of science communication. You’ll hear from Lisa Lundy, agricultural communication professor in the University of Florida’s Department of Agricultural Education and Communication, and social media influencer Michelle Miller, also known as Farm Babe.

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Harmful Algal Blooms

In this series of Science by the Slice, a podcast by the UF/IFAS Center for Public Issues Education in Agriculture and Natural Resources (PIE Center), experts will break down the topic of harmful algal blooms to better understand their causes and implications. In this episode, you’ll hear from Ed Phlips, professor at the School of Forest, Fisheries, and Geomatics Sciences at the University of Florida; Betty Staugler, NOAA harmful algal bloom liaison at the Florida Sea Grant; and Mike Allen, professor at the School of Forest, Fisheries, and Geomatics Sciences at the University of Florida. 

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Heat-Related Illness

In this series of Science by the Slice, a podcast by the UF/IFAS Center for Public Issues Education in Agriculture and Natural Resources (PIE Center), hear from experts on the topic of heat-related illnesses, Linda McCauley, dean and professor at the Nell Hodgson Woodruff School of Nursing at Emory University; Roxanna Chicas, assistant professor at the Nell Hodgson Woodruff School of Nursing at Emory University; and Rebecca Lopez, associate professor in the athletic training program at the University of South Florida.

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In this series of Science by the Slice, a podcast by the UF/IFAS Center for Public Issues Education in Agriculture and Natural Resources (PIE Center), hear from mosquito control and vector-borne illness experts, Eva Buckner, assistant professor and medical entomology extension specialist at the University of Florida’s (UF) Florida Medical Entomology Laboratory, and Rhoel Dinglasan, UF professor of infectious diseases and director of the CDC Southeastern Regional Center of Excellence in Vector Borne Diseases. In this series we will also hear from Ricky Telg, UF professor of agricultural education and communication and director of the PIE Center.

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Hurricane Preparedness

In this series of Science by the Slice, a podcast by the UF/IFAS Center for Public Issues Education in Agriculture and Natural Resources (PIE Center), hear from hurricane preparedness experts Craig Fugate, former administrator of the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), Kurtis Gurley, professor and director in the UF Engineering School of Sustainable Infrastructure & Environment (ESSIE) and Angie Lindsey, assistant professor in UF’s Department of Family, Youth and Community Sciences (FYCS) and Florida point of contact for the Extension Disaster Education Network (EDEN).

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Rural Mental Health

May is Mental Health Awareness Month and the PIE Center is recognizing rural mental health in the latest series of the Science by the Slice. In episode one you will hear from Marshal Sewell, the son of a strawberry farmer with first-hand experiences of the mental health struggles faced by agricultural communities, and from Dr. Anna Scheyett from the University of Georgia as she discusses her research which uncovers the unique struggles among farmers and ranchers and highlights the importance of community involvement when discussing mental health awareness. In episode two, you will hear from Dr. Angie Lindsey as she shares stories of her work with the Extension Disaster Education Network (EDEN) during natural disasters such as hurricanes and the importance of mental health in these situations.

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Food Systems During COVID-19

In the latest series of the Science by the Slice podcast, you will hear from four different guests across two episodes. In episode one, you will hear from agricultural communication graduate student, Michaela Kandzer, and Sarah Carte from Dasher Farms as they discuss pandemic purchasing habits and overcoming challenges faced by producers during the pandemic trying to get food from the field to the consumer. In episode two, you will hear from agricultural economists Dr. Hikaru Peterson from the University of Minnesota and Dr. Christa Court from the University of Florida, as they discuss current research related to COVID-19 and the impacts the pandemic has had on the U.S. food system.

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Industrial Hemp

The use of hemp products is growing in America, and it may seem that there are more questions than clear answers about the plant and its properties. Dr. Zachary Brym navigates many of these questions as he conducts research in the UF/IFAS Industrial Hemp Pilot Project. As an agroecologist, Dr. Brym researches the production of hemp, as well as its environmental impacts on the farm, in the surrounding areas, and in our communities. We also hear from Dr. Shelli Rampold as she discusses recent research she conducted on Floridians’ opinions of hemp and hemp products, which she explains is largely neutral right now. She also explains how attitudes about hemp could change.

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This is a three part series in which we discuss three aspects of the COVID-19 pandemic. Listen to find out how the actions of one scientist, Dr. Ilaria Capua, paved the way for better transparency in science and created lasting impacts that may have even helped speed up vaccine development for COVID-19. Dr. Morris also discusses COVID-19 impacts on agriculture and the outlook for the vaccine, as of the recorded date of December 11, 2020. Social scientists Dr. Lauri Baker and Dr. Shelli Rampold discuss how they have been tracking public opinion throughout the pandemic and answer these questions based on what US citizens are reporting.

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