FloridA extension disaster Education network (FL EDEN)
Florida EDEN is a part of the Extension Disaster Education Network, a collaborative multi-state effort by Cooperative Extension Services across the country to reduce the impact of disasters through research-based education. All resources are available below.

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FLorida EDEN Readiness series
The Florida EDEN Readiness Series was created to prepare Floridians for hurricanes. Videos and fact sheets were produced on a variety of topics ranging from large animal hurricane preparedness to food safety. Explore the Readiness Series topics below.
Equine Hurricane Prevention
Beekeeping Hurricane Preparedness
Food Safety During Hurricanes
Small Animal Hurricane Preparedness
Large Animal Emergency Training
Fact Sheets
Social media
Online Disaster Mental Health Training
In response to the need for mental health training that focuses on disaster-related stress, SART has partnered with University of Florida family, youth, and community sciences (FYCS) faculty members Angie Lindsey (Florida EDEN Point of Contact) and Heidi Radunovich to provide free online training on Disaster Mental Health. This resource aims to provide SART team members and partners, first responders, Florida Department of Agriculture & Consumer Services (FDACS) employees, University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (UF/IFAS) Extension faculty and staff, and other community members active in disasters with the skills needed to address mental health needs and issues following disasters.
The course is divided into four parts, Disaster Stress & Mental Health, Community Recovery After Disasters, Coping & Providing Support After Disasters, and Disaster Stress & Mental Health Resources. It is self-paced, takes approximately 2.5 hours to complete over the course of a 7 day period, and when you successfully complete all four modules you will be provided with a certificate of completion.
Below, find a list of resources from organizations such as the University of Florida, Centers for Disease Control, World Health Organization, and Florida Department of Health. Resources include social media messages, images, and infographics that you can share on your own social media platforms and webpages.