352-273-2598 ashleynmcleod@ufl.edu
PIE Center welcomes Dr. Lauri Baker

PIE Center welcomes Dr. Lauri Baker

GAINESVILLE, FL — A new University of Florida faculty member, who has her academic roots at UF, has joined the Center for Public Issues Education in its efforts to inform the public about major issues facing Florida’s agricultural and natural resources sectors. Lauri...
Heat-related Illness (HRI) in Agriculture: A two-part webinar providing research findings on a mobile app to monitor HRI and a compilation of educational research-based resources to help prevent HRI (September 10, 10-11am)

Heat-related Illness (HRI) in Agriculture: A two-part webinar providing research findings on a mobile app to monitor HRI and a compilation of educational research-based resources to help prevent HRI (September 10, 10-11am)

Increasing awareness and education around the topic of heat-related illness (HRI) is one mitigation strategy for farmworkers and farmworker supervisors to reduce occasions of HRI. Given the risk of HRI in the southeastern United States, the outreach core for the...
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