352-273-2598 ashleynmcleod@ufl.edu

Lessons learned in crisis communication

October 2013 On April 17, an explosion at a fertilizer facility rocked the town of West, Texas. After the devastating explosion, The Fertilizer Institute (TFI), the national trade association representing the fertilizer industry, stepped in to respond to hundreds of...

Floridians’ opinions of endangered species

September 2013 The newest installment of the PIE Center’s public opinion surveys focuses on Floridians’ opinions of endangered species. This session’s speakers will discuss the results of the study and examine case studies from multiple perspectives that illustrate...

Communicating with the news media

July 2013 Media relations is a strategy of working with the news media in order to get out information about an organization’s events and activities in news outlets, local, regional, or national. In this webinar, University of Florida professor Ricky Telg will detail...

Building community capacity

June 2013 Join Angie B. Lindsey, PIE Center post-doctoral associate, to learn more about an interdisciplinary project involving biologists, psychologists, social scientists and community members working together to address the environmental, economic, and emotional...
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