Issues: Food
Exploring issues impacting food
Learn about PIE Center research projects related to food below, and access resources including podcast episodes, videos, issue guides and curriculum.
Lessons from COVID-19: Positioning regional food supply chains for future pandemics
Assessed the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on farm and food supply chain operations.
Florida public opinions of food production
Explored the attitudes, perceptions and purchasing habits related to food safety, food security and genetically modified food.
Local food messaging & media strategies
Enabled Florida producers and organizations to develop more effective messages and media strategies to promote Florida’s specialty crops.
Connecting Florida produce & K-12 schools
Examined the Farm to School program to address barriers and to encourage the use of fresh produce from local farms in Florida K-12 schools.
Examining consumers’ preferences for Florida strawberries
Assessed consumer perceptions and barriers to increase preferences for Florida-grown strawberries.
Promoting specialty crops through agritourism
Examined consumer awareness and preferences for agritourism to provide producers with the tools to improve their agritourism ventures.
Increasing marketing effectiveness & awareness of Florida blueberries
Evaluated a marketing plan for the Florida blueberry industry to increase the marketability of blueberries.
Increasing awareness and marketability of Florida peaches
Developed a marketing plan to address barriers identified by growers and consumers on the consumption of Florida peaches.
Consumer knowledge & awareness of technologies to combat citrus greening
Examined consumer perceptions in Florida, California and Texas toward the use of biotechnologies in fighting citrus greening.
Positioning Florida produce as a local choice
Measured the economic impact of Florida’s specialty crop industry and identified branding messages to promote local produce.
Seafood consumption marketing & message testing
Assessed consumer perceptions of potential messaging strategies related to seafood and aquaculture in Florida.
additional resources
Issue guides
The following issue guides highlight key findings from public opinion research on food-related topics.
Local food production
Food supply chains & covid-19
Food & agriculture
Food safety & generations Food safety
Florida blueberries
Florida strawberries
Genetically modified foods
Journal Articles
Read the journal articles below to learn more about the PIE Center’s research on issues impacting food.
The resources below include videos and podcast episodes related to food.
Video: What do Floridians think about food safety?
Podcast: Covid-19 food systems
Podcast: Nutrition
Educational Materials
The following educational materials include webinars and training curriculum pertaining to local food.